Bing x Reader

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A/n: This idea is from the voting page! Hopefully you all enjoy this :D


Dawn was slowly approaching with the sky a mixture of pitch blackness and a fiery orange glow casting a beautiful glow that looked like it was came straight out of a painting. Walking down the gravel path through the empty park you pulled the (F/c) jacket closer zipping it up feeling a cool breeze sending a shiver down your spine, a soft yawn left your lips a wave of exhaustion washed over you doing the midnight shift at your workplace. Minding your own business you looked around the desolate park spotting nothing out of the ordinary at the crack of dawn from the empty playground, a few ducklings swimming around a small pond following their mother to a graffiti covered skateboard.

'At least at this time I'll can enjoy a nice tranquillity walk without worrying or anything happening' You thought using the short fifteen-minute walk from work back to your house to unwind and destress. In the distance you could see a lone figure walking down the path coming in your direction which left you a little puzzled as normally you don't see anyone up at this ungodly time but mentally shrugging your shoulders you carry on, getting closer you could start to pick up details about the lone figure who was riding on a skateboard wearing a black shirt with a bring orange letter B printed on the front that proudly clung to his well-build beefy body and black sunglasses covering the man's eyes.

Moving to the side to give the skateboarding man more room to travel down the path which happened to draw Bing's attention who was simply daydreaming at the beginning his orange eyes glanced over feeling his breath being sucked out of him as he couldn't look away from this random human.

'I seen many humans throughout my time on Earth but never I seen such a... unique gorgeous human like them. Maybe it's from the light shining on their skin or perhaps the concussion I'll received from walking into wall but they look angelic, Dude! Quick I'll must impress them' Bing couldn't help this strange feeling he had in the pits of his stomach like butterflies fluttering around the fan that was like a heart inside of him spin harder. Wanting to impress you Bing placed his hands on his hips getting into a superhero position on the skateboard trying his best to nonchalantly flex his bulging biceps not paying attention to the direction his skateboard was heading straight for the lamppost, a loud painful bang echoed across the park your face twisting in a grimace watching the man literally face-planting into the post before falling onto the ground with a heavy thud and seeing someone potentially needing help you rushed over needing to see if the man was alright.

"My gosh are you alright? That looked like it might hurt please don't move you might have a concussion or somehow broken a bone" You spoke rapidly yet softly not wanting to spook the man kneeling down beside him and seeing him trying to sit up you place a hand on his chest trying to keep him down while inspecting for any injuries. Feeling your hands lightly brushing against his body Bing couldn't hide the light red hue blush coating his cheeks as he stared up at this random person who cared about his health which he knew was quite a rare thing and couldn't help but give a wide smile at your caring nature, reaching up to touch his face Bing felt his sunglasses were still on his face and intact without a crack on them.

"Phew! What a relief I could've dropped my croissant" Bing randomly replied without thinking not answering your questions but once he realised the reference, he made which sounded a little odd Bing's eyes widen feeling a little stupid but the light-hearted chuckle leaving your lips sounded like music to the android's ears.

"Well seems like you not injured anything unless you count your pride for your questionable choice of clothing... WHAT ARE THOOOOSE?!" You understood the random reference deciding to reply with a random reference right back as you pointed at the man's brightly orange sneakers that simply hurt your eyes simply looking at them due how bright. A few seconds past as silence fell between you two just staring at one another with a woodpigeon squawking noisily in the trees, Bing couldn't believe he was hearing someone replying right back referencing to memes/vines as he broke out into fits of loud joyful laughter.

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