Iplier's x Thief Reader

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It was an unusual gloomy day in California with dark patches of clouds littering the skies the sun hiding behind them trying to shine through as a small gentle downpour fell turning pavements and roads into small puddles. Holding a (F/c) umbrella above your head keeping majority of your upper body dry from the unpredictable shower you silently walked down the street keeping your head low trying to draw no attention to yourself even thou the streets were completely empty save from a few passing cars, living the life of a thief you had to take precautions making sure you couldn't be tracked or followed or even looking suspicious at all taking a hard turn to the right you gently pushed open a wet red gate open making your hand slightly wet as you walked into the desolate foggy park.

Glancing around the park looking you couldn't see the employer anywhere at all and fishing out the pocket for your phone reading over the message giving you directions to an isolated pond hidden behind a few trees. Narrowing your eyes barely seeing the trees through the fog you begun to walk forward feet splashing in small puddles causing your sneakers to get even wetter and eventually you shifted slightly walking on the dirt path that was hidden by long grass looking like no one used this path at all, pushing past the uneasy feeling walking into the small woods all by yourself you couldn't help but tighten your grip on the umbrella prepared to defend yourself in case in rare fashion this was a trap.

'This doesn't scream like a cheesy horror movie walking through the woods with fog surrounding me. What's next meeting up with a murderous man? Getting jumped by a monster?' You thought chuckling under your breath with small twigs snapping under your feet continuing the walk. Not even five minutes went by the trees parted in front of you revealing a small pond with a few lily pads harmlessly floating on top of the surface and in the distance, you could hear the small quiet croaking sounds of frogs and in front of the pond stood a man wearing a strange brown cowboy hat and a black leather jacket which you took must be the employer that wanted to hire as you quietly walked over preparing the secret line to ask him to see if he was the employer or not.

"What is something that you can catch but you cannot throw?" You asked standing next to the complete stranger keeping your eyes forward watching the pond spotting a mother duck swimming around calmly with a half a dozen baby ducklings trailing behind her. You heard the man let out a deep chuckle letting out a deep breath before turning his head slightly to face you tipping his hat upwards his brown eyes staring straight at you yet you refused to meet his gaze keeping your face hidden as a precaution to keeping your identity a secret until he answers the question.

"This is ridiculous right?! No one else comes here I'm pretty sure no one even knows this pond even exists... But to answer your question since I can't leave a beautiful person like you hanging it's the common cold" The man said clearly a little flirty with you already causing you to roll your eyes as you turn your body facing your employer with the most serious expression on your face watching the man coming closer standing under the umbrella with you making both of yours and his chest lightly brushing.

"What should I call you? Or should I call you Mr bossman?! And what's the job you need me to do?" You strictly spoke with the most serious look on your face easily ignoring the man poor attempt at flirting with you wanting to get information and get back home knowing the longer you were outside the more likely to be spotted.

"You wound me by not partaking and flirting back with me... I like that in a person! But you can call me AM and everything you need to know about the job is in this folder, I want you to break into a manor and steal a gem" Actor Mark seductively trailed two fingers up along your arm before stopping pulling out a folder from inside his jacket hanging it to you. Disregarding the bedroom eyes the man was aiming at you, you focused on the folder using one hand to flip open the folder briefly glancing over what was inside which was a blueprint of the manor along with a list of names and photos of the occupants living in the manor, a picture of the blood red gem and a spare key all within the folder.

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