The Soda Thief

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Within the manor of the Ipliers there are a few rules set in place agreed upon by everyone to withhold and upkeep the somewhat peace across the egos. Before the rules were set in place when the Iplier's first banded together 5 years ago everything was pure chaotic from King going berserk someone stealing his peanut butter ending up with Doctor Iplier bounded against the chair forced to eat spoonful of King's special peanut butter for a week leaving noticeably softer after the whole experience to Google boobytrap his underground laboratory making sure no one enters without his permission usually leaving the other android Bing trapped in a massive hole, afterwards with the rules set in place everyone gotten along perfectly well with no incidents ever happening but there was one unspoken rule among the Iplier's that no one dared to break fearing the wrath of wacky gameshow plus pink hair interviewer.


Normally Wilford is a little weird in his one way as well-being quite the flirty positive man loving squeezing some of the egos against his muscular chest and cheering everyone up around him hating to see anyone looking sad or looking a little too strict having a metaphorical stick up inside a certain demon's butt. The one time that the ego's saw Wilford remotely getting angry was the time he believed their creator Mark was trying to punish him not getting him any soda Wilford very quietly and calmly disappeared leaving the Iplier's on the edge knowing Wilford being quiet wasn't a good thing, the egos did saw what Wilford had done during a live interview with their creator using his reality bending powers causing Mark to endlessly feel hungry forcing him to gluttonously eat whatever was in front of him and not only that but Wilford was also making him soften up the more he ate.

Safe to say after watching the interview the iplier's made a rule in the manor to make sure Wilford constantly had quite a few cans of soda stored while no one dared to touch it fearing the wrath of Warfstache. However the past few days Wilford alarmingly noticed his extensive towering pile of cans begun to slightly shrunk a few rows of cans disappearing without the culprit or the evidence to be seen leaving him mildly irritated, Wilford hated the injustice that was going on in the manor knowing whoever was stealing his precious sodas was doing it on purpose silently vowed to capture them in the act and properly punish them.

Silence fell all over the manor and the surrounding forest with nothing but the occasional hooting from nearby owls sitting in the trees. Within the manor everything was dead silent the soft ticking sounds of a grandfather clock could be heard echoing from the hallway upstairs for once everything was calm with no shenanigans of the Jim's trying to summon a ghost or one of Google's experiments getting loose causing everyone to run and hide, inside of the dimly lit kitchen with the moonlight being the only source beaming through the window Wilford squeezed himself into one of the tallest cupboards which only contained an ironing board keeping the wooden door cracked open enough spotting the outline of his stacked precious sodas on the counter.

'Now that I'm hiding squeezing against an ironing board There's a good chance the evil bastard culprit might not come tonight. Doesn't matter I'm Wilford Warfstache no one steals from me and gets away with it, I'm one stubborn handsome man and justice will be served' Wilford thought holding a spatula in his hands prepared to use it as a weapon to defend his sodas from the fiend. For the next forty minutes Wilford boringly thought of random punishments against whoever was stealing his soda and conjuring up bubbles to pass the time, the sounds of floorboards creaking and the light footsteps coming downstairs grabbed Wilford's attention who immediately held his breath leaning forward glancing out from the small opening.

Suddenly the footsteps ceased leaving the manor to be completely silent once more yet Wilford knew the footsteps stopped near the entrance the culprit most likely checking to see if anyone was nearby. From within the cupboard Wilford spotted a lone figure entering the kitchen with the limited light shining through the window he recognised the figure to be Dark with his usual attire of a pristine smooth black suit and white button up shirt, spotting the demon Wilford gotten even more confused wiggling his moustache in thought.

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