A Typical normal day (Chubby Septic's x Reader)

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A/n: Wasn't sure on how to end this but this was requested by anonymous  

For roughly two years you have been living with Sean's egos who gave you the spare room at the ego's house when he learned that your apartment flooded becoming a large aquarium. Sean had warned you that his egos are weird along with mentioning that a certain glitchy demon could be quite dangerous which you shrugged it off always believing in the good in people, at first the septic's were a little hesitant around you but were quickly taken aback by your kind personality always offering them encouraging compliments as well as being quite affectionate towards them giving them random nicknames.

It didn't take long for you to bond with each ego in the house helping them with any of their problems that rose or listening to them rant angrily or excitedly about something always taking the time out of your day to be there for them all. Due to your bubbly/kind personality with a hint of mother hen tendencies that the egos affectionately dubbed you as the mother/father figure of the house especially when it came to you cooking for them all, you took the job of caring and feeding the egos very seriously always cooking up a whole feast at every meal making sure every single man in the house had enough for seconds sometimes third plates of food keeping them well fed every day.

The sun slowly raised in the air banishing the previous night away giving way to a beautiful crystal-clear blue sky without any signs of a single cloud. Like usual you have woken up earlier than the others in the house spending a good amount of time setting everything up in the kitchen preparing a large yet simple breakfast for the egos, a white apron with the famous words kiss the cook tied around your waist as you spend a good forty-minute cooking up freshly pancakes giving each plate a huge stack along with different foods from the preferences of the egos.

'If I remember correctly both Henrik and Anti like their pancakes coated in chocolate sauce. Chase and Robbie preferring their pancakes to be plain occasionally with honey except for the sweet zombie who likes his pancakes to be different colours, Jackie and Marvin loves to drown their pancakes in a waterfall of honey and finally JJ likes tons of bacon on the side along with chocolate chips on top of his pancakes' You thought taking the time and care putting in the smallest of details into their breakfast from overflowing four egos foods with honey and chocolate sauce to creating a colourful rainbow stack pancakes for the zombie.

Finally after finishing the perfect breakfast for all your friends that laid out on the kitchen counter, you took a step back leaning against the fridge wiping away the sweat that begun to roll down your forehead. An exhausted smile slowly appeared on your face knowing that the egos would certainly enjoy their breakfast but before you could even think about shouting for them you heard multiple loud thumps coming upstairs as footsteps moved across the ceiling going straight for the stairs most likely smelling the pancakes you cooked up, the kitchen light begun to flicker on and off that caught your attention as you looked around the small room knowing fully well that the glitchy demon was going to appear at any moment.

"What shall we do without you (Y/n)? Hmm... Smells delicious as always! I'm tempted to steal everyone's food right now" Anti suddenly spoke up from behind causing you to let out a mouse like squeak jumping a bit in the air and turned around on the spot as the ego laughed at the reaction he got from you.

"Don't even think about it Cutie Pie! Well... I was thinking of making some cookies at some point for a well-behaved strong demon, but I don't know now" You teasingly replied facing the ego immediately noticing the man had his thick arms crossed over his chest. Never once you seen Anti or the other egos ever upgrading their clothes since your arrival which was very clear as the demon's black shirt acted more like a crop top only managing to cover his two small moobs exposing his large hairy gut that proudly hung out and his jeans looking painfully tight and unbuttoned.

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