Dark x Reader x Chubby Anti

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A/n: Wasn't sure on how to end this but this idea came from the voting page! hope you all enjoy it :D

For the past several months you have been good friends with two odd demons easily seeing past what they are which are demons that supposed to be bad, but you never judged anyone either from their past or what they are as a person. Both Anti and Dark are strangely sweet towards you always gifting little presents time to time from Dark handing you a pendent that glows in the dark to the glitchy demon gifting you the biggest teddy bear he could find that sat in the corner of your living room with its head brushing against the ceiling, you were very thankful to have two sweet demons as your friends growing closer to them by each day that passes and always tried to return their kind gestures with your own but you didn't know that behind your back that both demon's competing for your affections.

The demon's trying their best to be subtle about their not-so-secret crush on you neither man not wanting to accidentally scare you as they have a competition between them. You were quite oblivious to their feelings towards you never seeing the harsh glare Anti always shoots towards Dark whenever he pulls you in for a hug or the way Dark's hand clenches into a fist seeing you hand-feeding freshly baked cookies into the glitchy demon's mouth who occasionally compliment and kiss your hand never failing to make you blush, both egos did agree on one thing which was never to argue or even fight in front of you not wanting to hurt you by accident and continued with their hidden competition hoping one day to work up the courage to ask you out on a date.

It was the very first week of summer nothing but clear blue skies with the sun hotly shining down far above. Loud yet calming chatter filled the park with people having picnics on the grass some playing football or throwing the frisbee simply enjoying the warm weather, walking through the main entrance gate of the park you stood in the middle of your two demonic friends both whom seemingly immune of the warm weather one wearing a full-on suit while the other man wearing all black.

"-and Robbie's hand coordination has been getting better by the day. Yesterday JJ has been helping and teaching him how to bake a cake which came out huge looking like a damn wedding cake, having a little sweet tooth I tried a slice which I tell you tasted like freckin perfect but Robbie apparently wanted me to eat the whole cake just started to feed me until there was nothing left and no one can say no to Robbie he's got those damn puppy eyes" Anti retold a story having a slight red hue coating his cheeks telling you about the septic's that he lived with walking on your right while consciously trying to make his ill-fitting black shirt a bit more roomy but failed causing the material to bounce upwards exposing a couple of inches of hairy pale pudgy belly to the elements.

"You are a really good big brother towards Robbie you know that Anti?" You replied softly slightly looking up towards the glitchy demon with a kind smile linking your arm with his missing the slight glare that Dark was shooting towards the other demon. Anti made some uncoherent stuttering noises being called a big brother towards the zombie as he quickly shook his head trying to correct you.

"Wha... No! No (Y/n) me and Robbie aren't brothers at all or even related at all" Dark had to force himself not to laugh out loud finding the chubby demon becoming a stuttering mess a little amusing planning on using this to taunt him later.

"You might not be blood related Anti but you certainly act like a big brother towards Robbie helping him to improve with the movements in his hands. You could have pulled away when he begun to feed you but you didn't plus... I think you enjoyed yourself yesterday eating the whole cake" You pointed out a few facts that you knew already from what the glitchy demon told you before managing to sneakily move your hand under his black shirt lightly palming his soft warm beerbelly. The red hue that appeared on Anti's cheeks begun to spread across the rest of his face to the tips of his ears as he couldn't argue with your logic a soft glitchy exhale left his lips feeling your hand pressing and rubbing across his midsection normally Anti wasn't a big fan of touches or affection but when it came to you, he absolutely loved it leaning over pressing a kiss on top of your head.

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