Chubby Eric x Reader: The Inflation Condition

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Eric is the most normal ego within the manor who doesn't have any extraordinary powers like his two father figures Dark and Wilford or have the confidence of like anyone in the manor that could just talk to random strangers with no problem. Eric enjoyed his normal life managing to lead a boring accustomed life far away from the spotlight until everything had to change on his birthday with all the attention was on him making him get quite flustered until an empty feeling begun to build up inside his stomach and to his horror Eric found himself randomly inflating which only effectively made him more flustered giving his inflation more strength, after the embarrassing day with the Jim's, Bing and King rolling him around like a ball Eric was diagnosed with an extreme rare condition by Doctor Iplier who for once was completely serious telling the shy man to avoid any stressful or flustered situations.

After that experience every single ego in the manor did their best not to add any stress or make Eric get flustered but living with many egos some things were bound to happen and an occasional accident from the Jim's walking into Eric's bedroom who was shirtless and a little bit self-conscious about his body being more on the chubbier side made him swell up within minutes. Eric continued with his life as normal working as a sort of intern for Wilford on the weekends and heading to college on the weekdays studying engineering, a new issue begun to appear for the shy ego who started to develop a small crush on (Y/n) in the same class as him.

At this point Eric couldn't work up the courage to even start a conversation with you not knowing what to say without embarrassing himself or getting too flustered and triggering his condition. Eric was more than happy to admire you from afar finding you to be perfect and beautiful in his eyes and picking up little habits that you did from fiddling with the arm sleeves on your hoodie whenever you became a little nervous, to his surprise things changed as he was about to leave the class you came up to him striking up an extremely short conversation complimenting his shirt before walking away luckily for Eric no one was around to see him turning bright red or that his small pudgy belly begun to grow pushing against his shirt forcing him to flee and calm down.

It was a typical boring day in the lecture hall hundreds of college students scattered all over the room most of them ignoring the professor focusing on their individual activities from playing games on their phones to quietly chatting in their small groups. Sitting in the front row of the lecture hall Eric hunched over the desk trying to make himself invisible lightly tapping a pen against the surface of the table usually he could be taking notes but his mind wondered about his crush, trying to be subtle Eric turned his head slightly from the corner of his eye he spotted you sitting a few rows behind him sitting between two hunky men one brunette having his hair tied in a manbun wearing a leather jacket while the other man had blonde hair with blue eyes wearing a grey shirt that was two sizes too small showing off his strong round pecs and beefy biceps that could probably break steel.

'No way (Y/n) would even think about dating or even liking me back. They most likely dating one of them... Steve and Bucky I'll think that's their names were, both of them looking like Greek gods and perfect. I'm nothing like them' Eric thought feeling a little jealous and self-conscious placing a hand on his small pudgy paunch that was slightly hidden under his flower pattern button up shirt. Getting lost in his thoughts Eric didn't realise he was staring at you a little more obvious until his brown eyes locking with your (E/c) as you smiled at him and blew a kiss which immediately made Eric turn away in slight embarrassment being caught staring.

"Alright kiddos don't forget to complete your coursework and bring it in next Wednesday" The professor announced turning around to face his class finishing writing something about robotics on the ancient looking chalk board. The professor didn't dress up like any other professor in college instead of ugly sweaters or suits he constantly wears different AC/DC black shirts that sometimes coated in motor oil and jeans.

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