Wilford x reader: Blueberry Night

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Normally you wouldn't be seen going to a club or disco always finding huge crowds to be uncomfortable while also being introverted preferring to stay at home unwind from an exhausting day and end up curling in a nice fluffy blanket watching a movie or possibly play a few games. However one of your friends thought you were beginning to live a hermit life and wanting to help you to meet new people they forced you to get dressed dragging you out of the day heading towards one of the most popular discos in the city. Standing in the line waiting to get inside you felt a shiver move down your back feeling the cool crisp night of the temperature looking down at your choice of clothes they weren't the best to keeping you warm wearing a simple black t-shirt with the superhero group of the Guardians printed on the front and black jeans, slightly glaring at your friend who easily ignored it as they talked about how much fun you going to have you looked away frowning noticing the location of the disco was on the outskirts of the city surrounded by thick trees, a large field and a single road heading back to the city.

"Why would someone build a disco on the very edge of a city? Wouldn't it be easier and make more money if they build it in the city" You spoke up confused crossing your arms over the chest trying to keep warm letting out a startle gasp as a sharp cool wind picked up ruffling your (H/c). Looking around you could feel your heart beating faster beginning to overthink the situation unable to stop yourself from imagining getting lost on the field or forced to walk back down the pitch-black road where anything could happen.

"Stop overthinking things (Y/n) I can see you thinking of impossible situations that could happen. Just enjoy the night have some fun... You never know you might meet someone special here, to answer your question maybe they pay less rent to the city here or they can just have their music blaring as loud as they want" (F/n) winked tossing their arm over your shoulder dragging you further down the line inching away closer to the entrance. Breathing heavily through the nose you roll your eyes knowing from past experience your friend was quite the romantic type and always tried to set you up on many dates that ended awkward and made you die a little on the inside, you could faintly hear music blaring from inside and glancing up at the bright pink neon sign a soft chuckle left your mouth as a huge pink moustache stood out with the word 'Warfstache' below it.

"You know that's not possible (F/n) and I swear if you leave my side straight away once we enter, I'm not leaving the apartment with you ever again" grumbling under your breath you continue to inch forward getting closer to the archway entrance of the building spotting a tall bodybuilder bouncer towering over everyone inspecting ID's. A sudden burst of laughter from (F/n) caused you to jump in surprise feeling your friend leaning into you with a suspicious grin on their face.

"When have I ever done that to you? You can trust me (Y/n)" Before you could even point out with a long list of times they have left you when they dragged you into uncomfortable situations you were in front of the line with the bouncer looking down with his arms crossed asking for identification. Fiddling with the bottom of your shirt nervously finding the bouncer to be quite intimidating you quickly fish out your provisional driving license for a few seconds the bouncer looked over giving a stiff nod handing two cheaply made paper masks with a pink moustache drawn on them to you and your friend.

"What is this thing? Are they expecting us to wear this? Did you drag me to a damn disco cult (F/n)?" You muttered quietly just loud enough for your friend to hear you inspecting the mask in your hand having a weird sudden urge to put the mask on. Shaking the strange urge away, you look to the side hearing no response finding the space empty and looking forward you saw the double doors gently close, calling out to your friend in slight panic you rush towards the door dropping the mask onto the ground and pushed the doors open and forced to close your eyes briefly being blinded by a ray of rainbow-coloured lights.

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