Winter Oneshot: Mistletoe Mishap

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A/n: Here's another winter theme oneshot! Sorry it took so long

For nearly a year you have been dating Ethan who's been nothing more than a sweet gentleman full of energy and thoughtfulness throughout the relationship. The two of you have been taking things a little slow in the relationship not wanting to rush things and let things happen naturally just recently like two months ago you have been staying over at your boyfriend's apartment for the weekends and vice versa however, there was a little secret you been keeping from Ethan nothing too drastic just hiding any photos of your father whenever he came around to your place due to your dad having quite the reputation of accidentally scaring away potential boyfriends or getting a little too trigger happy.

Apart from the secret you been hiding everything going smoothly in the relationship spending much time with Ethan as possible. Time flew by rather quickly as November turned into December forcing you to wrap up a little bit more to keep the moderate cool air at bay but as the first weekend past in the last month of the year you were quite taken aback as your boyfriend invited you over to join him at his friend's house to introduce you to them and join in on the festive activities.

The sun that once filled the sky with bright light had now vanished hours ago leaving behind a pitch-black sky that was covered with a few stray clouds lingering. The harsh light emitting from the Tv lit up the darkened room slightly burning your (E/c) from the contrast from between light and dark, sitting on your couch you had a fluffy blanket wrapped around your body looking like a burrito while having your head placed on Ethan's shoulders fully relaxed enjoying another movie night with your boyfriend.

"This whole movie so far feels like a fever dream. This female character just recently meets this male character who acts all mysterious very pale and later on somehow sneaks in her bedroom and watches her sleep? Hello!! Red flag.. I swear Ethan if you do that, I will throw a shoe at you" you said in disbelief getting a little bit worked up from the film shaking your head disapprovingly at the character's decisions before playfully warning your boyfriend.

"Wowie... Normally I would take the warning but with your not great throwing skills I think I'm safe" Ethan retorted playfully hiding his grin behind the can of soda he was drinking from the corner of his eye he could see the fake gobsmacked expression on your face that nearly made him snort his drink.

"Well... You not wrong about that blueberry" You muttered in defeat snuggling further into the warmth of the blanket with a slight pout on your face. Rolling his eyes fondly at the strange nickname you always come up for him Ethan dragged his burrito partner onto his lap wrapping his arms around you, for a next couple of seconds silence filled the air the two of you cuddling while watching the movie until Ethan broke the silence.

"Next week on Saturday I'm getting together with my friends Mark and Tyler just to hang out and do some holiday activities. I was wondering if you want to come with me and meet my friends of course, I already asked them and they said they would like to meet you but if you don't then that's totally fine" Ethan babbled quickly either due to excitement or from being nervous you betted on the latter finding everything about your boyfriend to be cute. Silently you pulled your arm out of the blanket reaching up towards your boyfriend's face and placed a finger on his lips effectively silencing him from rambling on too much.

"Why wouldn't I come with you Ethan? Anytime I get to spend time with you I'm going to take. Plus, I want to meet the friends that you endlessly babble on about and even share some embarrassing stories about you" You winked leaning forward lightly kissing your boyfriend on the kiss making him blush but more than happy to return the kiss.

The next seven days swiftly flew by with neither you or Ethan having any spare time to see each other due to work or trying to battle against the crowd of people to do some Christmas shopping. However what little free time you two have there was lots of text messages and video calls made which Ethan got caught doing numerous times by his friends who teased him endlessly making him look like a tomato and making you giggle, of course through a few of these video calls you have seen and talked to your boyfriend friends the three of you mischievously ganging up on Ethan retelling some out of this world mortifying stories until your boyfriend hung up abruptly chasing his friends around with a broom.

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