Chubby ZeRoyalViking x Male Reader

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A/n: I'll did change this request a little bit but hopefully you all enjoy this! Requested by kytros

Life is a lot like a roller-coaster everything could be normal slowly moving upwards on the track but at some point something always shatters that peaceful normalcy as you force to go down the sudden sharp decline. From the age of five you were in the car with your parents coming back from the cinema due to being your birthday everything at that moment was normal you were happy babbling about the movie until suddenly a large red lorry rammed into the car heavily sending the three of you rolling across the road, as the car came to a stop resting upside down the windows smashed leaving hundreds of tiny shards on the roof the first thing you noticed wasn't the fact your body was covered in tiny cuts but the fact there was a large pool of red liquid gathering underneath your parents.

Perhaps you were in a state of shock from the event that you didn't call out or maybe you were calling out to your parents but couldn't hear anything due to the loud ringing in your ears. You tried to reach your parents begging for help but your arms weren't long enough and the same red lorry had pulled over on the side of the road near the crash with a lone man harshly whispering into the phone, you couldn't remember what the man looked like but when he bend down to check inside you spotted a strange black hand tattoo on the back of his hand before heading back to the truck leaving you and your parents to die.

That one moment. That one strange tattoo changed your life drastically.

In your early twenties you were filled with boiling anger every time you closed your eyes you were transported back at the moment of your parent's death. You wanted revenge against the people who were behind this and doing some hard research you learned that the hand tattoo is a sign of an infamous large group of people known mostly dealing and selling illegal things but sometimes dived in a few other things which called themselves "Hand", that never ending rage carried you for years bringing swift harsh judgement against the group that took your parents away and in the shadows you eliminated the members of the hand one by one.

There was one saving grace that pulled you out of that life of revenge that managed to extinguish the fire of anger deep inside of you. A man called Steven that you accidentally bumped into one day on the streets with his sweet charming personality and some cheesy terrible pickup lines that did the impossible it made you smile, along the way the two of you started to date growing closer by the day going on random sweet dates like a picnic to the park or simply walking on the beach enjoying a cone of ice cream. You never told Steven about your past afraid to see judgement in his eyes that you were a monster, so you kept it a secret from him and focused on being the best boyfriend to Steven because without him you wouldn't have felt loved or happiness.

The warm gentle of the sun shined through the window of the small sewing room you had in the house slightly hunched over the clearly worn-out table that held a white and blue sewing machine. Ever since giving up your revenge plan you had been focused on making your own fashionable colourful clothes making it a small business selling them, the loud clanking sound of the sewing machine filled the room which made you feel peaceful as your (E/c) orbs focused on slowly moving the black shirt you been working on for the past two days allowing the machine to sew up the last remaining small holes on it.

'Nearly finished the small gift for my handsome Viking. Hopefully he doesn't mind the different style I was going for with this' You thought quietly humming to yourself oblivious to the fact that your boyfriend has been standing in the open doorway for the past ten minutes leaning against the entrance silently watching you work with a small smile.

Taking your foot off the plastic peddle the machine slowly stopped coming away as you fiddled with a few knobs on the side lifting the needle up and using a pair of scissors you cut off a bit of cotton allowing you too carefully pull away the shirt. Standing up your back let out a loud crack earning a small moan from you as you lifted the material up high as you observed for any mistakes or missed anything at all a small proud smile blossomed onto your face taking in all detail from the red flame ocean like pattern around the short sleeves to the golden buttons neatly fastened onto the material.

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