How to Ruin Plans on Halloween

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At the start of the spooky month of October Mark has been invited to one of the biggest youtuber Halloween parties that happens once every few years and he was allowed to invite a few of his friends along if they organised a theme between them in costume. At first Mark wasn't planning on even going to the party due to the fact he wasn't a huge fan of parties along with being a little too busy however, when Ethan learned about this he made it his mission to change his friend's mind from spamming Mark's phone with hundreds of messages to physically following his friend around the house like a dog.

The constant whining and the overdramatic collapse onto his lap drove Mark to his breaking point seeing as he couldn't do much work that three days later that he reluctantly changed his mind although not expecting for the younger man to nearly tackle him to the floor excitedly thanking him over and over before running away somewhere else to bother Tyler and tell him the good news, neither Mark or Tyler would admit it but they see Ethan as an annoying younger brother willing to do anything to make him happy.

It was late in the evening of Halloween with the bright warm glow of the sun barely peaking over the Horizon creating a mix match of colours in the sky as the night vastly approaches. Inside of the modern luxury house the atmosphere filled with newfound energy the three youtubers respected fully in their own bedrooms getting ready for the party, the three men agreed to a theme they all going to follow as each man planned on dressing up as a superhero.

Ethan was the first to get ready bouncing up and down on his heels excitedly for the party his costume being the easiest and less to put on as he managed to get the colourful red and blue Spiderman spandex costume covering his body which clung tightly to his body showing off his slim toned body. For a few minutes Ethan posed in front of the mirror acting out like Spiderman holding his fingers out and flicking his wrists pretending to fire out webs, a sly grin slowly appeared on his face coming up with a fantastic plan to get his friends to get dressed faster as he rummages through a few drawers before picking up a metal can of silly string.

'With great spider powers comes great Spider responsibilities! I shall teach my fellow superhero's not to mess with me... And hopefully get them moving a little quicker' Ethan thought giggling under his breath as he made his way out of his bedroom. Keeping the single spray can of silly string close to his chest Ethan pressed his back against the wall of the hallway stealthily making his way down the oddly quiet carpeted corridor.

Standing outside of Mark's bedroom Ethan poked his head quietly into the room his hazel eyes straight away landing on the back of his friend watching the red cape swaying side to side as Mark wiggles his way on putting on the dark blue costume with bits of red mostly on the knees and the big S printed on the chest.

"Remember that time you covered me in glue Mark? Well, you going to be covered in something just as annoying as glue" Ethan suddenly spoke up unable to hide the chuckle leaving his lips raising his arm aiming the can at the back of his friend before pressing his finger on the nuzzle making white silly string to come out. Not expecting anyone to be behind him Mark jumped a few feet off the ground hearing his younger friend speaking up and turning around on the spot with a hand on his chest Mark opened his mouth to talk before feeling the silly string coating a bit of his face while most of it simply landed on his chest creating white lines on the red S on the costume.

"You don't know what you have started Eth. You really should run while you have the chance" Mark slowly warned his shock expression morphing into an evil sly grin and his deep voice caused a shiver to go down his friend's spine. Taking a menacing step forward Mark watches Ethan letting out an un-superhero like eep dropping the can of silly string before quickly bolting out of the bedroom which Mark used his hands brushing as much of the silly string off him as possible slowly marching after his friend.

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