The Lactose Intolerance Demon

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A/n: Wasn't sure on how to end this but decided on a fluffy ending!

Ever since Robbie joined in the septic house the rest of the egos wanted to make his first holidays with them exciting and special for the adorable zombie. When the egos sat him down to explain the different kinds of holidays throughout the year Robbie noticeably vibrated in excitement learning about the spooky day of Halloween letting out awe filled gurgles hearing of trick and treating and dressing up as characters, at the end of the conversation the zombie bounced up and down on the couch telling his friends he wanted to experience trick and treating seeing how happy, full of life the zombie is none of the egos couldn't say no to him including the tough slightly grumpy demon who has a massive soft spot for Robbie taking him under his wing and acting like a protective big brother towards the younger ego.

It was the night of Halloween with the full moon shining brightly in the night sky and a cool breeze constantly blown through the streets of Brighton making this holiday a little cooler than usual. For the past two hours the small group of septic's have been going around the dimly lit streets helping to make sure this Halloween going to be the best for the zombie, the egos watch with wide proud smiles as Robbie excitedly knocked on every door dressing up like the glitchy demon with fake blood on his neck, a rubber knife and a turtle shell on his back. The empty brown sack steadily filled throughout the night bulging with different kinds of candies and at the end the sack was too heavy for the zombie to carry leaving Jackie to carry it for him.

"How was your first Halloween Robbie? Did you have fun?" Marvin asked kindly from the front of the group slowly leading the group with Jackie at his side back to their home shooting a smile over his shoulder glancing past Chase and Henrik who had traded clothes with one another briefly looking at the zombie.

"Robbie loves spending time with friends! Robbie enjoyed Ha-Halloween and will share his candy with them" Robbie eagerly nodded his head letting out quiet joyful gurgles and feeling the warm heat radiating from his glitchy friend the zombie couldn't help but move closer cuddling into the ego's side. Glancing down for only a second Anti's usual grumpy expression morphed into a softer kinder look which was only reserved for the zombie and the silent man his arm protectively wrapped around the shorter ego keeping him close to help keep him warm.

Pausing at the end of the street Jackie looked both ways making sure that the roads were clear and no cars was speeding before moving forward shouting that the coast was clear and safe to cross. Slowly continuing in their journey back home Robbie couldn't help but frown and pout feeling the demon that he always admired and saw as a big brother not very soft to hug, Robbie loves soft things and at the same time he wanted to make his friend happy along with making him a little soft down the road.

"You don't need to do that little bro. All that candy is yours afterall, you are giving a certain sweet loving doctor here ideas about eating all your hard-earned treats" Chase spoke up in a light joking tone his blue stormy eyes glancing towards Henrik his small smile stretching into a playful grin seeing his clothes being a few sizes too small on his friend's chubby body seeing the small curve of the man's pudgy potbelly against the grey shirt before lightly smacking it.

"Vhat was that for? Are you implying something? It's just a little vater weight" Henrik defended himself trying to pull at the ill-fitting shirt to create more room ultimately failing before having a heated yet playful argument with Chase about who eats more sweets between the two egos. Walking behind the two arguing men Robbie bit back a whimper his hand lightly brushing against the demon's ribs feeling them painfully sticking out making him worried about his friend's health as he imagined his friend starving himself or not eating enough causing the zombie to tighten his hold around the demon not wanting to let go off his friend.

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