HC: Chubby Youtubers With A Feeder S/O would Include

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A/n: Sorry for being quite inactive I'll been a lil busy! But here's a small random Headcanon, I'll might make a part two with different youtubers/egos/sides at some point.

. The first few months of being in the relationship Mark would try to be the most romantic person in the world taking his S/o on random unplanned dates from simply staying at home watching a movie to having a picnic on the beach.
. Every single date his S/O would surprise him with random meals/snacks that they made crawling onto his lap very distracting kissing his neck while feeding him romantically.
. Even in very posh restaurants his S/O knows how to distract their boyfriend asking them about which video games he played and while Mark excitedly talks they would sneakily use this to feed him three course meals, afterwards they would help him up from the chair cuddling Mark's side one hand rubbing soothing circles on his bloated stomach helping him to walk back home!
. His S/O is the master of distraction.
. This easily carries on for the next several months Mark being oblivious to the amount of food he's being fed by his partner getting distracted by their kisses/cute nicknames for him as everyday he was kept absolutely stuffed sporting a bloated small paunch, his partner however saw their boyfriend begun to plump up his toned abs vanished replaced by a football size belly that pushes against his cloak shirts proudly!
. Occasionally his S/O would come into his recording room holding a plate of sugary cookies or a dozen frosted pink cupcakes placing them on the table in front of their boyfriend kissing his chubby cheek before leaving giving a quick hello to Mark's friends.
. However the more frequent occurrence is that his S/O sneakily standing behind their distracted boyfriend using this they would swiftly begin to stuff warm sweet pastries into his mouth, Mark unable to do anything forced to allow his partner to feed him on camera in front of his friends listening to them tease him endlessly.
. One time during one of these surprise feeding sessions in the recording room the button on Mark's jeans let out a final creak before popping off hitting the camera making it move downwards giving Bob and Wade a good view of Mark's pudgy bloated gut hanging out of his shirt showing off a few inches of skin!
. Apparently Mark was linked to his egos meaning that when he's gaining weight the Iplier's also soften up to be the same size.
. Quite a few egos weren't happy with the situation and when his S/O went out to do some shopping some of the Iplier's paid Mark a visit, the egos trapped the youtuber on a chair surrounding him before spending the next hour forcing Mark to eat.
. When his S/O came back they noticed that their boyfriend laying on the floor the chair shattered into pieces with alot of empty wrappers/bottles littered across the floor, Mark was groaning letting out muffled wet belches as his midsection protruded largely looking like a overinflated beach ball as his shirt could only cover his round Pecs.
. The rest of that day his S/O managed to drag Mark back to bed taking care of their goofball boyfriend rubbing his swollen gurgling stomach and tickling him with their kisses just to get him to smile/laugh!
. Mark still in denial about gaining any weight continuing to wear ill-fitting/several sizes too small clothes leaving his plump squishy belly hanging out of his shirts and spending several minutes jumping up and down to get his jeans over his chunkier butt giving his S/O a perfect view.

. His S/O is incredibly shy
. Very rarely would his partner come into the view of the camera preferably staying behind the camera silently supporting him.
. Frequently as cameras getting setup for his mind-blowing video ideas his S/O would always making sure no one would be looking before pulling out some of Jimmy's favourite snacks gently feeding him with a occasional kiss between stuffing food into his mouth.
. Every morning Jimmy waking up to his partner walking into the bedroom holding a large tray containing a hefty delicious breakfast, each and every morning his S/O gently sitting on his lap spending the next twenty/thirty minutes lovingly feeding the youtuber until he was completely full sporting a round bloated midsection!
. His S/O loves to bake alot in their spare time!
. Jimmy becoming a taste tester trying out all the new sugary pastries his partner has made allowing them to handfeed him getting crumbs littered in his short beard and constantly pushing past his limits of fullness to continue to eat just to see his shining star smile.
. Due to his S/O spoiling him rotten making sure he never went hungry Jimmy easily started to gain weight all of his shirts stretching tightly around his doughy beerbelly making a hollow indent in the material where his belly button is, his face plumping up giving him two chubby cheeks with a small double chin.
. One time before meeting up with his friends/crew to record a video his S/O might have gotten a little carried away making Jimmy chugging down alot of large soda bottles till the point that none of his shirts or hoodies could cover his large hefty gut that proudly poked out from underneath and sloshed loudly as he walks.
. Occasionally Jimmy would sometimes forget his bigger size leading to him accidentally belly bumping a few of his friends to the floor or the time that he tried to sneak into his S/O apartment trying to surprise them on their birthday through the window and wedging himself stuck leaving his partner to set him free!
. His S/O roughly four times a week would either leave little love notes/letter around the house for Jimmy to find detailing all the things they love about him!
. Or whenever they have a private moment together his partner randomly kiss every inch of his soft body murmuring loving words which never fails to make Jimmy blush!

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