The Wrong Conclusion

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A/n: This is for Septoxxic

Throughout the videos of the septic's a large part of the community and fans thought that the egos wouldn't be able to live together in peace due to the fact in the videos Anti was portrayed as a chaotic, knife wielding and knife loving demon that enjoys making the other egos suffer. This was far from the truth as none of that was truth except for the knife loving part which he sleeps with it in bed many times, Anti was known in the house as the laziest gluttonous ego constantly being seen sitting on the couch playing video games with Chase stuffing his face with greasy foods. Anti indeed have a short fuse with his anger occasionally threatening a few other egos but never has he hurt any of them due to seeing them as a family.

It was no secret that Anti enjoys food with all his heart constantly being seen eating either it be sitting on the counter in the kitchen with a full tub of ice cream or laying on his bed throwing cookies into the air and landing in his mouth, The rest of the egos highly encouraged this behaviour seeing as the demon looked happy while eating from Chase using the demon as a taste tester trying out new recipes, Jackie taking Anti out to a nearby bakery at least twice a week with the hero pushing sweet pastries into the ego's mouth to movie nights where Robbie slowly climbs onto his friend's lap feeding him a huge bowl of popcorn.

Due to the ego's encouragement along with the man's lazy lifestyle Anti's waistline rapidly ballooned his once skinny hips widened coated in a thick layer of plentiful love handles that always brush against the sides of doorways. His muscular abs long gone replaced by a big, hefty paunch that proudly covered half of his lap and always wobbles with the slightest movements, his thicker chunkier bubble butt that looked like two overinflated basketballs always taking up more than one seat on the couch, Anti never upgraded his clothes finding that task to boring as he eventually ended up walking around the house simply in his ill-fitting underwear and the first time this happened Henrik had to cover Robbie's eyes to prevent the sweet zombie from seeing this and making poor JJ faint at the sight.

The sun barely peaked over the horizon slowly banishing away the darkness creating a beautiful mixture of colours in the sky looking like something out of a painting. Within the Septic house everything was still and peaceful no sign of its usual chaos caused by the occupants except for a small static sound that increased in volume emitting from the kitchen, inside of the creamy tiled walls of the kitchen the light switch mysteriously flipped lighting up the room before a glitchy mist appeared in the room revealing Anti standing in the middle of the kitchen wearing nothing more than ill-fitting Chase Brody themed underwear that amplified the size of the ego's tree trunk chunky thighs and bouncy bubble butt.

'No one around to stop me being me! Especially that stupid nagging doctor... Anti put some sweatpants on, Anti you can't walk around the house in your underwear' Anti thought rolling his eyes at the many attempts of the doctor trying to get him to put some sort of sweatpants on him. Heavily walking forward Anti reached upwards opening one of the cupboards revealing three different shelves containing mugs, sweet snacks and other things littered around, the demon's green eyes landed on the unopened packet of cookies on the top shelve as he got onto his tiptoes struggling to reach the cookies.

"Come on damn it! Who puts my cookies on the top shelve? Are they trying to starve me here.." Anti grumbled under his breath feeling his pudgy fingers lightly brushing against the packaging. Focusing on the task the demon never felt his large doughy paunch proudly resting on top of the counter, after a couple of minutes of struggling Anti successfully pulled the cookies down from the shelve leaving him a little red in the face and protectively holding the cookies in his arms while looking around making sure no one would come and take the cookies away from him.

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