The Irish Blimp of the panel

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In Sean's opinion conventions are one of the best reasons to travel hundreds of miles to experience the whole world of fans coming together uniting in different fandoms either it be anime, video games or comic books. Another reason Sean loves conventions so much is to get to see the community that he has built over the years hearing stories about his videos managing to help people through some of their toughest days really makes him emotional every single time but very proud to have one of the kindest welcoming communities, to make the experience better with conventions is walking around with friends joking around laughing like a bunch of hyenas or catching up with friends from different countries which conventions allow Sean to do.

Inside of one of the Pax's conventions centres the main entrance room looked like the size of a stadium with large glass windows on the sides able to look outside at the small patches of grass and the street. Wearing his creator pass around his neck with his YouTube channel printed on it that jiggled and bounced freely Sean walked around the quite busy main section of the building barely squeezing through narrow gaps between the ocean of people and occasionally getting on his tiptoes to glance over the tops of people's head to look at stands of fan merch or upcoming video games, standing in front of one of the stands which held comic books Sean was glancing through the pile having the urge to buy a few for the airplane ride back home until he felt a tap on the shoulder drawing his attention away as he turned around spotting a young woman in between the ages of 20-30 wearing a simple flower pattern shirt and red skirt along with a tiny septiceye Sam pin attached on the front of the shirt.

"Top of the mornin Lass! Nice pin you have I'll like it" Sean said with a welcoming kind smile purposely making his Irish accent coming out thicker while tipping his typical grey Irish cap up. The woman's shoulders shake like she's trying to contain her laughter as she shyly and nervously smiled before taking out a small notebook along with a pencil before writing something down which confused Sean for a few seconds furrowing his eyebrows and waited patiently before the notebook turned around allowing him to read it.

'I'm sorry Mr.bossman Jack... I'll mean Sean! I wish I could talk but I'm mute and I was wondering if it was alright with you could I take a picture with you?' Sean read the writing understanding the reason why his fan didn't talk but he couldn't help but stare at the nickname Mr. Bossman before letting out a loud bark of laughter slapping his leg and startling the woman who jumped back.

"S-Sorry Lass I didn't mean to scare you but that's a new nickname I heard. Don't apologise little potato I'm more than happy to take some photos" Walking towards a nearby wall to make sure they weren't getting in anyone's way they started to take some photos. The first photo being completely normal with the fan standing next to Sean giving him a hug the next few photos were mostly random and silly from one photo having Sean hiding behind the woman only his head peaking over her shoulder to both of them having their backs pressed together arms crossed with Sean's cap onto the fan's head.

"Take care Lass and remember in this community everyone must do things like a boss!!" Sean jokingly said waving goodbye to the woman before re-joining the ocean of people walking through the main section of the building. Not even five minutes went by before Sean's phone vibrated in his jean's pocket causing him to pause at another stall as he fished out his phone to read the message he just received.

Hey tiny Irishman, how was your flight coming to the great land of America? My panel is starting in the next half an hour and I wondered if you want to join me, Bob and Wade for some laughs?


Sean let out a quiet chuckle reading his friend's message until his eyes narrowed playfully rereading the message and seeing Mark calling him tiny, he quickly begun to type back a response.

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