Just a wrap. A final A/N

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Well, the story of this book I've told many times, however since then a new part has happened. I had to take down all of my books and reupload them, and hence, although I finished this book MONTHS ago, I've only just genuinely gotten all of the parts fully up and finished. 

And this is the final part I intend on writing, ever.

Just like... a side note which preludes this book.

Firstly, I think it's worth saying once again- I do not support this book. Although it holds dear memory and liked the time period I wrote it in- I cannot support some of the things stated, said, insinuated... And so on and so forth in this book.
Therefore, I just want you to acknowledge that since writing this- there has been author growth, and my characters are not 1) a representation of me, and 2) a representation of any of the CCs mentioned in this book.

With that slightly more negative undertone out of the way, I also just want some recognition for how much time I invested into this damn book... Like, at the time I was writing this- there was a point whereby I'd release a new chapter every day whilst juggling school, tests, personal health... Man, I'm impressed. And the amount of time I put into researching every single one of these boys' and girls' lives to make sure every detail I got was accurate to the time period was INSANE. Like, I think I have some SCs of my planning which I'll insert here:

 Like, I think I have some SCs of my planning which I'll insert here:

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Like, that's a timeline of every event I had to write about, and underneath is a list of songs which I had planned on saying that Addison Addie had made with other people and made an album

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Like, that's a timeline of every event I had to write about, and underneath is a list of songs which I had planned on saying that Addison Addie had made with other people and made an album. Another reminder that I think might be valid is that when I began writing this, Addison hadn't began writing or producing any music. Hence, I believe I created a monster. You can call me frankenstein. Another mention about these songs is that on songs like Fine line, champion, Bad Things, East side and after the afterparty, I had envisioned JJ creating those songs with JJ- sat in a room rapping and singing together- making music... Even getting Randy or another person in at times. How sweet <3

Oh, and plus- I've added all of these songs to a playlist which is linked in this paragraph's comments- so give that a heart and follow my on spotify. 

Also another factor that's worthwhile is that whilst some music choices are bad- I swear I have reverted, i now listen to underground and cool bands. I'm no bland bitch no mo'.

But yeah, back to the present and to stuff about this book.

I miss writing this. Free time, no stress... I fear I'm gonna not have time to write on Wattpad and I'll simply fizzle out, like those other accounts you see with fantastic books, who created accounts in 2016 and were last active in 2019... I don't wanna just leave- grow out of my phases and leave behind a shell of my old personality and self for others to find and marvel at. 

Fuck, I wish some things were everlasting.

But, like everything- this isn't. Go educate yourself on Buddhism if you think everything remains the same. And go read all of my other books if you need more sidemen fuel to keep you sane.

And yeah, I don't really know what else to say... I just want everyone to know they're loved. you're loved. You're loved and appreciated by everyone around you, and if you're feeling lonely- my DMs are always open. But then again- teh big wide world is even better than talking in my DMs. Leave the house, go on a walk, pick up interesting looking rocks, pick flowers, throw sticks, go to a park, just go outside and enjoy whatever age you are now and whatever you're doing now. 

Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this book and maybe even enjoyed teh snippets you've gotten to know about the author behind the book.

With everlasting love,
      Grac <333

Written 9:33pm, 09/05/2022 BST. Unedited.

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