Chapter 63

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'Okay we're here now, Addie.' Talia said in a soft voice, continuously tapping my shoulder.

'Just a sec.' I excused myself before opening my eyes slightly and allowing them to adjust to the bright light, before taking my car-belt off and opening the door.

I stepped onto the gravel car-par ground and shut the door, before the driver drove away. Talia, JJ and I started walking towards the large shop ahead of us.

'Do you reckon we'll need a trolley?' I asked Talia and JJ.

'Probably.' Talia shrugged.

'Ah crap, these ones require a pound coin.' I said, looking down and realising there was a slot for the pound coin. 'Looks like we won't need a trolley.' I laughed.

'Where's JJ gone?' Talia asked, looking around. I looked around with her a realised I couldn't find him, either.

'We'll find him somewhere.' I shrugged and giggle a little.

'Probably.' She agreed. 'Anyways, let's go see the stuff inside.' She suggested as we walked inside. Before walking anywhere imparticular, I grabbed a plastic basket which I could put small items in. 

'What do you want to buy, before we actually go and look for stuff.' Talia asked as a statement.

'Well, I'll need a bed, two desks, an extension plug,  one or two night tables, a few pillows, a duvet, a rug, a full length mirror, I think a fake plant, a chair, a wardrobe, and a few decorations.' I counted off the things in my mind. 'Oh, and I think I'll need another PC.'

'Well, I think we can find everything in here, apart from the PC.' Talia said. 

'The PC isn't essential.' I shook my head. 'I have another two, it's just that one cracked.'

'Okay, well let's go down all of the aisles and just throw anything you like into the basket.' Talia suggested.

'Sounds good to me.' I grinned, following her to the first aisle.

The first aisle was decoration.

I chucked in storage basket and clock in, viewing a full length mirror that I needed- but wouldn't be able to put in my basket. In the end, I just decided to pick the mirror up and carry it with me.

'Hey Addie, I think I found a decoration you might want!' Talia called. I shrugged and walk over. 'Are you ready?' She asked, laughing a little and holding a large canvas behind her back.

'Why am I so scared...?' I questioned, laughing a little from the suspense.

She took the canvas and placed it on the floor in front of her.

I burst out laughing immediately with Talia.

It was an abstract painting of a naked woman covering her chest with her back facing the portrait, showing off her ass and messy bun.

'Let's get it.' I said between laughs. Talia let out a hysterical laugh when she heard that.

'Oh yeah... I found this abandoned trolley.' Talia said, wiping a tear away from her eye and showing me the trolley on her side.

'Thanks.' I smiled, transferring my items to that trolley before adding in the painting and walking to the end of the aisle.

At the end of the aisle, I picked up a small agave plant which had been planted in a mini white porcelain pot. I felt the waxy leaves and realised that it was a real plant. Screw it- I was going to buy it.

I walked into the next aisle which happened to be the textiles aisle, which basically just contained anything you might need which was made from fabric.

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