Chapter 22

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'Remind me never to let you drive again.' Josh panted, scared by my reckless driving.

'Oh come on, it wasn't that bad- was it guys?' I asked everyone else in the bus.

'I NEARLY FUCKING DIED IN A MINIBUS.' Harry yelled making me chuckle.

'Sure you did.' I replied sarcastically and chuckling, handing the keys to Josh and stepping out of the bus. 

We were walking to the shop that I was pretty sure reception was, when I felt someone jump on my back. I whipped around to see the same familiar black hair quiff and cheeky smile I last saw several years ago.

'ZAYN!' I literally screamed with joy, jumping and wrapping my legs around his waist, wrapping him in a tight hug. I looked up into his face. He had barely aged a day since I last saw him. He was slightly tanned and had the same cheeky smile and scattering of freckles across his face. I also noticed he had grown a little stubble, and gotten much more toned. We still shared the same pistachio coloured eyes.

'Nice to see you too, Addie.' Zayn laughed, patting me on the back before lowering me down.

'Jeez, you look different.' I said. 'In a good way.'

'Eh, you still look pretty shitty.' Zayn cheekily smirked before getting playfully punched by me. 'And I see you still have the fiery temper.' He chuckled, rubbing his arm where I hit him.

Someone behind me cleared my throat. JJ.

'Oh yeah, everyone- this is Zayn, the owner of this shooting range. Zayn, meet... I won't say everyone's names because you're going to forget anyways.' I introduced them to each other.

Awkward silence.

'Well... as Juicy said, I'm Zayn, and I own the range. Follow me to the shop and we can get you kitted up.' Zayn explained.

'Juicy?' Mier asked, confused.

'Oh, long story short, Zayn and I were in a park in Summer eating ice lollies, when my ice lolly kept dripping down my arm. I took it off when we got home, which meant that the ice lolly's juice had been on my arm for about 2 hours. I managed to wash the sticky bit of the ice lolly off, but the artificial purple colour couldn't get scrubbed off for about a week. Zayn laughed and said I was juicy, and as a joke he just used that as a nickname.' I giggled at the memory, some others joining in.

We than all started following Zayn into the shop where Talia vlogged a few things, and Randolph vlogged for JJ.

'What gun do you want to use?' Zayn us all asked from behind the counter.

'Can we get all of them? I'll pay.' I asked. Everyone's eyes widened. I guess that they didn't expect to be using every gun.

Zayn nodded before I took my credit card out of my wallet and payed the $300. That was quite a large amount. I cringed as I payed. Zayn took the money before yelling:


A tall blonde man who was restocking the shelves went into the back of the shop.

'Okay guys, when we go outside, I'm going to give you a demonstration with each of the guns. You will then have 5 shots per gun. I will help you with the first one, and them for the last 4- you can have a go with no help. Addie will be helping too. Oh, did I also mention one of you get to blow up a car?' He smirked at the last part.

I turned around to see everyone with their mouths open. I gave a small giggle before Zayn gestured for us all to follow him outside. We were going to be shooting in the middle of nowhere where we were not going to get anyone. It was quite dusty and like a desert. 

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