Chapter 74

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Once everyone had piled into the car and settled down, I took out my phone and started scrolling through my recommended side of YouTube, seeing Reddit videos everywhere. I contemplated whether I should make an official Reddit page for myself, befoer deciding to let the fans decide. 

I switched pages, and went onto Instagram, taking a mugshot of my face close to the camera, before adding a poll, asking whether I should start a Reddit page and make videos, or not.

I posted the story on my Instagram and flicked through the new stories, feeling JJ placing one hand on my leg. I looked at him and gave him a confused look, but he just kept staring at his phone like he wasn't doing anything. 

I went onto SMS and shot him a text. I watched my message pop up on his screen and saw what I was captioned as in his contacts.

Addie👀: What's with the PDA? vik is ligit right on one side of me.

Addie👀: JJ, why am I captioned as that in your phone?

JJ let out a chuckle and I watched him changing my name in his contacts... to Addie🍑💦

JJ: Well for starters you were called that cuz ur so fit everyone stares at u

JJ: But I changed it to this because you make me hard🍆🍆

Addie: here: i could make you hard right now so that u have to make up an excuse to everyone when they realise

JJ: r u sexting me, young addison?

Addie: one, I'm not young

Addie: two, u were ligit the one that started this lmao

Addie: now back to my original point- why tf is ur hand on mah leg?

JJ: remember when you gave me a hard one when i took u to the car after wireless hide an seek vid?

JJ: then you made me go with the hard one back to film with the guys

Addie: Lmao, I remember thatttttt

Addie: How did the bois react?

JJ: Smh, you think I just left with the hard ting showing?

JJ: Nah, man- I tucked it in my waistband

Addie: LMAO

Addie: This should be so much more awkward since we're talking about ya deck rn

JJ: probs

JJ: anyways, i declared that as war

Addie: So whatchu gon' do, biche

(damn i fr used to text like that 😬😬 im so much more young and hip and cool now *hairfliip*)

I gasped and choked at the same time as I felt JJ's hand go under the waistband of my skirt.

Luckily, Randolph, Talia and Simon were all having a conversation of their own, and the the RackaRacka boys were both bopping their heads to some sort of music they were listening to through their earphones. That left Vikk.

He turned and stared at me, almost asked what was going on. Thank God JJ's hand was concealed by my leather jacket which was resting on my lap.

'Sorry, someone just sent me a really frickin funny meme.' I forced a laugh and gestured to my phone. Vikk nodded before turning back around and continuing whatever he was doing his phone. I turned and tried to glare at JJ, but he just smirked as I tried to hold in a groan from what he was doing under my leather jacket.

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