chapter 5

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I walked into the house with the brothers and Jeff behind me, only to be tackled by Alissa. 'You have so much to explain!' she squealed. Alissa did get over excited often, so I just pushed my hips up and boosted her with my hands, bucking her off me. She giggled before flopping on me again. We often just randomly play fought. It usually ended with me winning. I jabbed her arms so that they were no longer supporting her, before pushing her off and climbing on top.

'Ha, loser.' I mocked.

'Hey, at least I have a boyfriend.'  Alissa shot back. It just so also happened to be my luck that I felt my phone go off in my pocket. I took it out and saw that Simon had texted. Alissa also saw.

'OOOOOOH, WHO'S SI ?' Alissa joked, snatching the phone out of my hand. I quickly grabbed it back.

'Okay, come with me to my room, and I'll tell you everything that happened.' I grabbed her hand before running up the stairs with her. We flopped on the bed and I sat cross legged, facing her. 'Okay, I want all the details.' Alissa said, like we were having a high school sleepover.

'Okay, so, when we got out of the car we were immediately escorted to a room where we just chilled and talked to people before the conference. Then Logan and Jake were told to go to the stage, and me and all the other trainers for both teams were made to sit in another random stuffy room which we then watched the conference in, from a TV. I was getting bored, so I checked my phone and then you and I texted for a while. I then asked the guys in the room if they wanted to take a photo for snapchat. I sent the photo, and Logan read it before replying. I then heard JJ say shit-'

'oh, his name's JJ' Alissa mumbled. 'I thought that one was Deji.'

I laughed at her confusion. 'Nah, Deji's the more annoying one. Anyway. I heard JJ say I was a slut. I got angry at that, and then left the room and walked on until I found the stage. You may have noticed Jake mouthing NO to someone off stage... Well it was me! He thought it would be a bad idea, but I just walked on stage. You saw everything that happened onstage then. Then I went back to the stuffy room I was watching the conference from, and checked my phone, and chatted with you again. Then some guy tapped me on the back. It was Simon, He introduced himself, and we both made a short clip on eachother's vlogs. We then exchanged numbers and said bye. Then literally straight after, the guys came back from the conference. We then walked to the car and got in. Me and Si facetimed, and then I realised he was one of JJ's close friends. Anyways, he heard Logan's voice and fangirled, so I handed the phone to Logan so they could talk. They talked for the rest of the journey, we arrived and disconnected, and then we went inside.' I explained.

'Okay, well... I have a few questions-' Alissa started.

'Let's go down. Then I can answer the boys' and your questions.' 

We went downstairs and sat in the kitchen before calling for the boys. Jake put an arm around Alissa who was sat opposite me, and Logan came and sat by me.

'You called us for...?' Logan prompted me.

'Oh yeah' I said, remembering why I called them 'Do either of you have any questions about anything I said at the conference? Because I'm pretty sure I said some stuff that you didn't understand and want to know about.'

Jake started. 'How do you know Viddal?'

'When I went to England for University, I met him.'

'more details?' Jake pushed.

'okay, umm... This is going to sound kind of bad, so just please don't judge me.' I pleaded. They nodded. 'One of the nights I went to a bar with my friends. They all hooked up with men and left with them, so I went home on my own. I was walking down one of the streets when a man jumped on me. He was going to uh... rape me, but then Viddal, who was walking down the road, pushed the guy away and scared him off. He introduced himself and he walked me back to uni. We talked on the way there, and exchanged numbers. We'd then often go out together, until one day, he suggested I learnt self defence. He taught me everything I know about boxing. We've stayed in touch as friends since. We've never had a relationship or anything- the closest thing we've had to one, is when we were both smashed, we kissed. We laughed straight after and realised we were better off as friends.' I finished, laughing sadly.

They all looked slightly sad and pitiful after hearing the story, but Logan soon asked something, knowing I hated pity.

 'How do you know JJ's girlfriend?'

'I don't.' I said simply. 'I just guessed he had one, and was right' I shrugged.

Jake had already covered Alissa's question, so I decided it was my time to question Jake.

'so Jake, why did you tell me not to come on stage?' I asked.

'I thought JJ was just going to be a prick and insult you badly, but now I'm happy that you came onstage, because I'm pretty sure you bruised his ego pretty badly.' Jake admitted.

I nodded in response before hearing my phone ping. I opened my phone and read the texts.

Si: We're hosting a party tonight. Interested?
Si: Addie?
Addie: who will be there?
Si: oh, just the sidemen, our close friends, the girlfriends and you, if you decide to come. U can bring a plus 1 as long as it isn't either of Ur Bros. JJ would flip if you brought either.
Addie: JJ still be there?
Si: sry.
Addie: I'll just check if I can
Si: 👍👍

I looked up at everyone sitting around the table. 'uhm, guys?' I addressed them nervously. They all looked up from their phones. 'Simon has invited me to a party tonight. Can one of you drop me there?'

'Who's going.' Jake asked sternly.

'the sidemen, their friends and girlfriends.'

'I'm guessing that includes Deji and JJ' sighed Logan.

'no shit.' I rolled my eyes.

'sorry, but you can't go.' Jake shrugged, training back to his phone.

'please guys, I haven't talked to Viddal in person for years' I pleaded.

'Deji is just loud and annoying, but JJ is smarter. He'll use you to get to us.'

'but what if you use me to get to them...'

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