Chapter 23

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'Hey.' I said.

It was 2AM in the morning. I had just finished editing a video, and had come down to get something to eat. JJ was sitting on the couch watching TV. 

JJ ignored me.

'Okay.' I huffed.

I walked over to the kitchen and took the pizza I had made a few nights ago, out of the fridge. I cut a slice out of the pizza, and started eating it, fishing my phone out of my pocket and looking through Instagram. I looked through everyone's stories. Nothing relatively important. I searched up K...S...I. JJ's profile was at the top. I clicked on it and looked through some of his posts, liking two pictures that looked good. I clicked the follow button to see that he was already following me. I chuckled and clicked on his story. There was a video of us dancing to Houdini that we had done yesterday. 

Slightly happier, I took my pizza slice and skipped over to the couch, taking a seat next to JJ.

'Hi again.' I grinned. He took one look at me before rolling his eyes and looking back at the TV where a TV show was playing. 'Okay- what's wrong.' I asked. JJ was annoying me. Happy as ever one moment... annoying and depressed the next.

He picked up the remote and switched the TV off, turning around and facing me. 'Why don't you just run along and talk to darling Zayn.' He sneered. I opened my mouth to speak before he cut me off. 'Yeah, we all saw how cosy you were together, like nobody else in the world existed. Soon you're going to tell me that you two are going out, aren't you?'

'JJ, I grew up with him! Our parents were best friends and we have been friends since birth- he's literally one of my brothers!' I exclaimed.

'Oh... sorry.' He said, not really sounding sorry.

'And besides- why would you care?' I asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking. 'Awww, is little JJ growing protective?' I mocking in a baby voice, pinching one of his cheeks.

'Shut up.' He said, a small grin on his face which showed his dimples.

'Anyways, what we watching?' I asked, switching the TV back on.

'Now You See Me. I just started it.' He said, rewinding it to the beginning and pressing play.

We watched it for a few minutes before I interrupted it.

'I reckon Jack is actually pretty fit.' I stated when Jack appeared on the screen.

'Nah, Henley's way hotter.' JJ said, not taking his eyes off the screen.

'Well obviously you would say that because she's a girl.'

'Yeah, but she's also ginger.'


'Gingers are hot.' He stated.

'Gingers have no souls.' I argued against his point.

'That's harsh.'

'Shall we just agree that Jack and Henley are both hot?' I negociated.

'Yep.' He chuckled.

Content that our argument was over, I laid back onto the sofa and watched the movie. It was really interesting- but I hadn't slept in so long. My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and my breathing slower and calmer. I leaned onto JJ's warm body as he put an arm around me, before closing my eyes, and falling asleep.


An ice cold liquid was poured over my body.

I shot up from the couch and opened my eyes. JJ was standing and holding a nearly empty milk bottle.

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