Chapter 39

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'Hey.' I waved at the girls who were waiting outside of the shop, waiting for Talia, Freya and I.

'Hey.' Gee beamed before, impatiently skipping into the shop and leading all of us in. I followed before suddenly remembering I should probably mention something

'Oh, and also.' I got all of the girls' attention. 'Apparently there's a boat guy who is going to come and take the boat out to sea later in the night- so you might want to wear a bikini.' I said, before walking over to a clothing rack. 

Apparently Talia and Freya were going to wear the same outfits, and I didn't know anything about what the others were wearing. I decided to wait until everyone had picked their outfits before choosing my own.

I walked over to Sarah and Katie.

'What are you guys thinking of wearing?' I asked.

'I was thinking a plain bikini, but adding a maxi skirt on my bottom half.' Sarah responded, ruffling through some long skirts. 'I've already got a bikini, so I think I'll just get a skirt.'

'I was thinking of wearing something simple.' Katie shrugged, looking through some bodycon dresses. 'This is feels kind of like shopping for Coachella.' Katie giggled before pulling out a neon green dress. 

'That's gorgeous.' I nodded at the dress. It was a bodycon dress with cold shoulder and long sleeves, which was slightly ruched at the sides.

'I think I might buy this.' Katie furrowed her brows and turned the dress slowly around on it's hanger. 'I'm going to go and try it on.' Katie said.

'I would also go and try something on, but I'm just buying this skirt which I already know will fit.' Sarah held up a floral maxi skirt. 'But we'll come and see what it looks like.' Sarah smiled.

We walked into the changing area, waiting outside a cubicle and waiting for Katie to come out and show us what she looked like in the dress. 

'What do you think you're going to wear?' Sarah asked, leaning back on her hands.

'In all honesty, I don't know. I might just wear one of my old outfits. I already have too many clothes.' I laughed. 

'Same to be honest.' She starting laughing with me. 

'Et voila.' Katie walked like a model out of the changing room, clad in the dress. I hugged her curves perfectly, the neon green making her stand out.

'It's great.' I grinned.

'I love it, too.' Katie smiled, looking at herself in the mirror and turning around to check herself out.

'You should definitely buy it.' Sarah said.

'I think I will.' Katie said slowly before walking back into the room to get changed back into her original clothes. I stood up to go and do something else, before Talia and Freya walked into the changing room. They were both chatting and holding some clothes.

'What you got there?' Sarah asked, gesturing to the outfits they were holding.

'We were planning on going matching, but because of our different skin tones, we found it hard to find something that could look good on both of us.' Talia said. 'We got two outfits just to see what they looked like.'

'You can stay and see what they look like.' Freya said, walking into separate stalls.

'Who was that?' Katie asked, stepping out of the changing room and holding the dress on the hanger.

'Talia and Freya, they are going to try on their outfits.' Sarah explained.

'Ooh, I'd like to stay and see what Talia actually wears.' Katie said. 'She's quite fashionable.'

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