Chapter 37

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There was only two ways of describing the boat. Large and stunning.

The boys (who were already on the boat) waved us over. The girls and I ran over.

'Where's the other girls?' Simon asked.

'They're driving in my car, they should be here soon.' I explained. Simon nodded.

I looked around the yacht. 

There was a small area with a roof. Underneath was an area, which was cut off by a semi-circular counter, was a wall which was stacked with bottles of different alcohols. I walked closer to the wines and read a few of the bottles. There was vodka, beer, wine, champagne- it was like am alcoholics dream! 

I walked out of the roofed area and looked further around the boat. On one side was an empty table, and on the other side was a plain white fabricated couch. The floor was made from rectangular blocks of African mahogany wood.

I walked up the stairs which lead up to the roof. It was quite a small space which overlooked the whole of the boat. In the middle of the roof there was also a table, on which was a duffel bag. The duffel bag had the small writing DO NOT TOUCH on it. I shrugged and walked down the stairs again, seeing Simon, Josh, Talia, Mier, Will, Freezy, Sarah, Vikk, Tobi and Katie standing and talking.

'Well, does anyone have any suggestions on how we should decorate the boat?' Vikk asked. 

'What décor do we have?' I asked.

'Oh yeah, Tobi was responsible for getting those.' Vikk pointed at Tobi.

'They're on the table just there.' Tobi walked towards the white table which had some objects laid out, on. I looked at the objects.

There was a reel of  customisable colour LED light strips; approximately twenty bronze lanterns with bright, warm white lights inside; a few candles; two large off-white parasols; four smoke machines; two bubble machines; three stacks of classic party red cups; and three transparent, large plastic bowls.

'Well you did a pretty shit job.' Simon said jokingly.

'Aren't those the LED light strips Addie have in her room?' Talia asked, confused, pointing at the reel.

I faced her and was about to ask how she knew what my room looked like, when I remembered yesterday when she walked into the bathroom and started snogging Simon. Eurgh. 

'Well, back to the starting question- anyone got an idea on how we should set this stuff out?' Vikk asked everyone.

I had an idea, but at the same time didn't want to say it and sound bossy. Instead, I waited for someone else to give an idea. Nobody did.

'Well, I have a rough idea...' I started.

'Brilliant, literally be as bossy and decisive as you can. Say what to do and who you want to do it.' Vikk commanded.

'Okay, well... Will, Simon, you two are the tallest. Take the lanterns and pin them around the edges of the roofed area to make a kind of fairy light thing... You know, like the stuff you see at restaurants?' I described vaguely.

'I get what you mean.' Simon nodded and picked up a bunch of the lanterns, Will picking up the rest.

'Okay, then we need one or two people to take the LED strips. Put them around the edges of the tables, and lining where the floor meets the walls of the boats.' I explained.

'I can do that.' Talia suggested. 

'I'll help too.' Katie suggested. They grabbed the wheel of LED light strips.

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