Chapter 16

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I slid the last egg off the frying pan and onto my plate, adding two rashers of bacon, and 1 hash brown. Everyone was currently eating their breakfast in either some of my clothes, or JJ's, as I had drenched their clothes.

I cut out the yellow of the egg before eating it with toast. I finished the egg white, and then ate my hash brown, before cutting my bacon into pieces and eating them.

'Do you guys have any plans for today?' I asked everyone, who was sitting around the table and devouring their food.

'Video day.' Ethan said between mouthfuls of buttered toast.

'Oh, great. I'm going to go make an explanation video and then I'll make some with everyone.' I decided.


'SECOND!' Some other people said at the second time. Before I could even object or say anything, JJ had picked me up and was thrown me over his shoulder.

'YOU ALL MAY WANT A VIDEO WITH ADDIE FIRST.' He laughed evilly. 'But I'm actually the person who can physically do a video with her right now.'

'YOU SOUND LIKE A FUCKING PORNSTAR!' I yelled over his shoulder and into his ear. Everyone laughed at the comment before JJ just started walking up the stairs with me.

He put me down outside his door.

'I'm going to do an explanation video- I'll do our video after.' I groaned. He nodded in response.

I walked into my room and took my camera out of my tacky, white plastic suitcase. I walked to the desk in the corner and arranged my computer and mouse, stickling up soundproof mats along the wall and attaching my microphone just behind the tripod to the side of my computer. I also added a warm white light behind the computer to add some light to my face and keep the camera in focus. 

I switched on the camera and started speaking.

'Okay guys, I know  this isn't our normal video, but today I have an announcement, that won't affect you, but might be a shock to you guys. So earlier this week, there was the press conference. You all saw it, you saw JJ call me a hoe, you saw me threaten to expose his girlfriend. Well behind the stage I met one of his good friends Simon, aka miniminter, as you may have seen in my vlog. Anyways. Me and Simon exchanged phone numbers, and he invited me and Alissa to go out with him, the Sidemen, their friends and girlfriends. We accepted and went out. I went back home with them and we had a sleepover, but Alissa didn't come and stay over. The next day I went back home, and I got into an argument with Logan, Jake and Alissa. I then decided that I thought we needed a break from eachother. Don't worry, we're all on good terms, we are on neutral terms- just taking a break from each other. Now, you may be wondering where I'm staying, well JJ has let me stay with him and everyone else! This information may bring up questions, well I'll answer some that I can imagine you would have. So first question, who will I support for the fight? Both. I have befriended JJ and I've lived with Logan my whole life, so I will support both. Jake and Deji on the other hand is slightly different. I haven't talked to Deji and don't think I will be any time soon, so I will be supporting Jake for that fight. I would like to clear up that I am not dating any of the Sidemen or their friends, and that I will now be filming more videos with them which should be up later. If you have any questions then please comment them on the video and I will reply later maybe. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you later, byeeeeeeee!' I finished happily. 

I didn't edit it, so I just posted it before even looking through it. This was quite an informative video and didn't really need editing. Sending it off as a raw video should hopefully show I'm not joking.

I walked out of my room and knocked on JJ's door, not risking walking in on him. He opened the door.

'What video are we doing?' I asked.

'Q&A' He said.

'You done a hashtag?' I asked.


'oh my god, whenever there's a guy I collab with my fans start shipping.' I groaned. JJ laughed and switched on his camera.

'Hey guys it's ya boy, KSIOlajideBT, and todaaaaay I am doing a Q&A with none other than...' JJ gestured for me to slide into the shots.

I tried to roll onto shot in the chair I saw sitting in, but the chair stalled, and I fell onto JJ.

'Fuck.' I muttered underneath my breath. 'Hey guys it's ya girl Addie' I mocked JJ.

'Yo, don't steal my intro,' JJ laughed.

'Bro, do you want me in your video or not?'

'Fine. Anyways, I tweeted out the hashtag AddSI for questions. You managed to get it to number 1 trending worldwide, so thank you! Anyways, we're going to take it in turn to pick a question and ask it to the other person.'

'What if I don't want to answer.' I asked.

'Thennn you have a truth or dare!' He yelled.

'Okay then. So JJ.' I picked my phone up and scoured through the comments for a question. 'Fuck Simon, or fuck Talia?' I asked. 

'Okay, let me say that Talia is very pretty, but I can't do Simon like that...' He said.

'Wait, you'd fuck Simon?' I tried not to laugh.

'Yeah... because bros before hoes.'

'I'd fuck Talia though, like... she's much fitter than Simon.' 

'Yeah, but you'd bang Talia because you can't bang Simon because you girls think hoes before bros!' He laughed.

'Okay, this is too mad. Next question.' I started laughing with him.

'Okay, are you still a virgin?' He asked.

'I can say that I am 23 and no longer a virgin.' I grinned at the camera.

'Okay JJ, when did you lose your virginity?' I asked.

'15' He said proudly.

'Addie, would you fuck JJ.' JJ smirked.

'JJ, want to do a skit for this one?' I asked. JJ looked at me confused. 'No JJ- we aren't going to have- EVEN PRETEND to have sex.' I laughed at his confused expression. 'You go pretend to have sex under the covers of your bed. someone take the covers off, and you will be banging a teddy bear. I'll then walk out of the en-suite and say something. K?'

JJ nodded 'RANDOLPH?' He yelled down the stairs. A slightly overweight brown haired man walked in.


'Can you film a skit?' Randolph nodded.

I introduced myself and started explaining what to do. I went into the en-suite and stayied there until I heard Randolph say 'I thought you were smashing Addie...' When he said that, I walked out.

'I do have standards you know?' I sassed. Randolph panned the camera around to JJ, who pulled a sad face.

'Oh.' He said sadly, looking down at the teddy bear.

We all burst out laughing.

'Okay JJ, next question- who's girlfriend out of all the Sidemen's is the hottest?' I asked him.

JJ was silent.

'This has been ya boy KSIOlajideBT, thanks for watching, check out Addie's channel, and bye!' He yelled.

I laughed and let him edit, walking into my room and throwing off my clothes so that I was only wearing a bra and underwear. I yawned and went slipped under the sheets. Yes, it was less than midday, but I was just going to take a nap until I had to film another video. I closed put my blindfold on and closed my eyes, falling into a short, deep sleep...

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