Chapter 10

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Our heads snapped up to see who was at the door. A tanned girl wearing a short black dress and way too much makeup was standing at the door.


Her hair and lipstick was slightly messy, but that didn't matter. Her face was twisted with anger.

'YOU WERE GOING TO CHEAT ON ME?!' She yelled. I cringed at how high pitched her voice was. JJ rolled his eyes.

'You can't even talk to me about cheating.' He scoffed.

'I wasn't talking to you.' She hissed 'I was talking to that slag you're with.' She pointed a manicured nail at me.

'Oh don't call her that.' JJ sneered. 'You're the one who cheated.'

Nia's face paled. 'No I didn't' she squeaked.

'We literally saw you kiss that guy in the club.' I explained with attitude.

'And?' She replied with an eyeroll, before realising what she said, her own eyes widening in shock. 

'Get out.' JJ growled in a low voice.

'W-w-what?' Nia stuttered.

'GET OUT!' He yelled forcefully.

'I have nowhere to go...' Nia cried

'Why don't you find some other man to stay with.' JJ mocked her as she ran out in her high heels. As soon as I heard the door close, JJ sunk to the sofa.

'I shouldn't have done that.' He groaned angrily at himself.

'Cmon JJ, she was in the wron-' I started to comfort him. He grabbed one of the ornamental plates and threw it at the wall, the shards splintering me as I flinched. He walked to the counter and grabbed another plate, slamming it on the floor. He then walked to a cabinet and grabbed a bottle of 100% vodka, taking a swig. I cringed at how badly it would have burnt his throat. 

I know that I'm meant to be making JJ do bad things to give Logan an advantage in the fight, but I couldn't yet. JJ was so much more underneath the loud, obnoxious persona everyone thought he had. 

'JJ.' I sat on a barstool next to him. 'It's 6AM, and if you keep drinking, you're going to have a bad hangover all day.' He gave a watery chuckle. I dragged the vodka away and stored it a different cabinet, so that he hopefully wouldn't find and drink any more. I filled a glass with water and gave it to him.

'Listen, drink this, and then have a lie in today. You really need it.' I advised. He downed the glass of water, and looked at my arm. 

'Oh my God.' He stared at my arm. I looked down and saw all the splinters.

'JJ, it's fin-' He dragged me to the bathroom and started gently taking the shards out. he pulled a bandage out and wrapped my arm.

'Better?' He asked quietly.

'I mean... I could've done it, but thank you.' I said as he chuckled. He pulled me in for a hug, and I rested my head on his chest- realising how toned he was.

'I'm so sorry.' He whispered. 'I don't know why I always manage to hurt the ones I love.'

My heart panged slightly, wondering whether he had just said he loved me. 

'Hey, want to try again with the pancakes?' I asked JJ, trying to make the atmosphere lighter, and much to my relief, JJ grinned.

'Let's go.' He grinned happily.

We walked down the stairs as I thought to myself. JJ was quite the character. He was sad- very sad, that's for sure, but he was such a brilliant actor. One moment he was crying, the next he was laughing happily. He was like an on-off switch. Was he bipolar? No. He just... wasn't. I had no explanation for why, but I could just tell he wasn't. I'd learnt about personality disorders, and JJ only had a few symptoms.

We got to the kitchen, and I got all of the ingredients out again.

'Listen, I'll make the pancakes this time. I'd recommend you clean up before the others get here.' I said, gesturing to the broken glass and ornament. JJ nodded. 'Hey, how many people will be coming today? I'll make pancakes for all of them.' I asked. 

'Well everyone meets up here before going to wherever they go. So if everyone's coming... That's 21, including us.' JJ counted. I nodded before starting to make the pancakes.

I put all the dry ingredients in first before adding the eggs and butter. I upgraded the previous bowl to a much larger bowl, knowing there would be so many people to cook for. I also added 2 of my 'special ingredients' to the mixture. Science has proven vanilla extract usually makes people feel nostalgic and comforts them. I also add white chocolate chips, because they melt well into the pancakes and it's America's most classic chocolate. 

I whisked up the ingredients to form a batter before taking a pan out of one of the cupboards. I then calculated that if I wanted to make 5 pancakes for everyone, I'd have to make... 105 pancakes?! I looked at the big pan. American pancakes are fluffy and circular, and I could at least fit 10 on the pan in one go. I put the hob on before pouring 10 blobs of batter onto the pan. I decided to leave them for 10 minutes, and chop some fruit. I chopped 1 apple before flipping all the pancakes over. I chopped another apple before taking the pancakes off the stove and onto a plate. I repeated this process, chopping banana, separating oranges, and getting blueberries, strawberries and raspberries- before placing them all in separate bowls, cling filming the top, and storing them in the fridge for later. Once I had finished all the pancakes, I put them in the oven to stay warm until the others had arrived. 

I looked to see JJ's progress at cleaning his mess, to see that the kitchen was spotless. I walked into the living room. JJ walked into me.

'I was just going to come say I was done.' JJ said.

'Same.' I laughed. 'You did a good job at cleaning.' 

'And mending.' JJ said, gesturing to the ornament which he had scruffily duct-taped together. I laughed at his creation before sitting on the sofa with him.

JJ put on The Big Bang Theory and I sighed appreciatively. 'Finally man who has a good choice in tv programmes.' I said, leaning on him. 

We were on our 7th episode of The Big Bang,  when we heard the door swing open again...

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