Chapter 77+ a/n on business

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I reached up and rubbed my eye, feeling hard Velcro scratch against my cheek violently. 

I opened my eyes wearily and groaned when my eyes met the cast for my wrist. (italicised bits are the parts I wrote on 20th February 2021)

please read the bold text:

well hola, readers.

It appears you've made it. This is the last part I ever made- and was written on the 16th October. 

A short history of this book:

I began it when we hit the first lockdown (March 2020), having had this thought in my head for a few weeks and already planning out almost an entire storyline.

Then I began writing, and got too many views for the first day of writing. I loved it. 

And so I began releasing a chapter each day- not concentrating in online school, lacking the will to do anything... This book was essentially my go to thing to do, without question.

For about six months, I would write something or other in this book every. freaking. day. 

I lost reality, I got too onlinely present, and I simply focussed on this only. It was a forced hyperfixation, which I couldn't force myself to not write in.

Then we started a new year of school, and thank Jesus- I started losing both time and interest in this book, hence I stopped writing... Well, it wasn't a full full-stop, but at least I slowed down, slower and slower, until I lost motivation to write.

And then I was left with about fifteen perfectly written and nearly fully edited draft chapters. And what did I do with those chapters? Did I post them all and forget about the existence of this book? Did I keep them stored away for my eyes only? Did I send them to my friends to enjoy?

Hell no.

I milked this story out for one and a bit years, baby. So yes, all I've done is posted 15 chapter written in like, October 2020, once every month for the past year and a bit- and you know what? I don't regret it one bit. From milking out every chapter, I have genuinely gained 100 thousand reads more than I had when I consistently posted.

I mean, sure- if I'd updated every day, I'd have a shit-tonne more clout (considering I used to get 500 reads per day), but I did what made me happy, and stopped writing this book, and instead started writing a different book: Ethan's sister. 

That's also a hit JJ fanfic which we love... Aaaaand that's also the fanfic I gave up because I changed from the Sidemen fandom to the DSMP fandom, and then to the MCYT fandom. 

But yeah.

We had a long run with this book.

It's kinda sad to see it go...


You may have thought that I was going to leave the book without an end and simply let it die- BUT THERE YOU ARE WRONG!

This chapter (posted 25th December 2021, 11:52pm bc i honestly forgot i had to post) has been your Christmas gift- but what good is a Christmas gift without its follow up gift on New Years? Therefore, STAY IN TOUCH BOYS, I'M GONNA WRITE THE FINAL CHAPTER FOR THIS ON NEW YEARS DAY, JUST TO WRAP IT ALL UP. 


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