Chapter 11

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I looked at the door to see who had entered, praying that Nia hadn't come back again to talk to JJ. Just to my luck, it wasn't. All of JJ's friends had just arrived.

'Are you wearing JJ's clothes?' Saorise asked.

'Where's Nia?' Tobi asked.

'Where's food mate, I'm hungover and need some food.' Freezy groaned.

I laughed at all of them. 'To answer all of your questions, I went back with JJ because he couldn't come back home safely alone, and he offered me some of his more comfortable clothes to sleep in, Nia left for a reason I'm not sure I should tell...' I looked at JJ.

'Nia cheated.' He said plainly. 'She cheated last night in the club. Addie got me back here safely and helped me sleep. In the morning Nia came back and accused me of cheating on her with Addie. Then I told her to leave and not come back.'

Everyone was silent.

'And Cal,' I addressed Freezy 'I made 5 classic American pancakes all of you.' Everyone shared a look of enjoyment and walked into the kitchen before sitting on a barstool. I took the fruit out of the fridge and left it on the table for everyone to help themselves. JJ was currently dishing out plates to everyone, so I opened the oven and took the pancake tray out, putting 5 pancakes on everyones' plate.

'Are there any sugary toppings?' Chip asked hopefully.

'There's already enough sugar in the pancakes!' I laughed at everyone's groans whilst putting the tray back in the oven. 'Plus the fruit contains sugar.'

'You sound like my mum!' Harry yelled causing us all to laugh. Everyone added a few peices of fruit to their plates before starting to eat.

I took a bite of mine and mentally moaned at how good thet tasted. The vanilla essence reminded me of when I cooked with my grandma as a child, and the white chocolate melted perfectly in my mouth and made me crave another bite.

'Jesus Addie, move in with us- these are delicious!' Ethan exclaimed.

'These pancakes remind me of that beach in Paris!' Gee also exclaimed loudly and randomly.

I laughed and took another bite before dropping the pancake. 'Fuck, I should go home, Jake and Logan will be worried, wait, where's Alissa? Oh my God, Logan and Jake are going to kill me.' I panicked.

'Hey hey hey, calm down.' A voice soothed. Josh put a hand on my shoulder. ' Alissa went home last night. We're going on a shopping spree today. On our way, we'll drop you off at your place.'

I nodded and ate the rest of my pancakes quicker, wanting to get home as soon as possible. I waited for everyone to finish their pancakes, washing their dishes just after they had finished.

'Okay, come on guys.' Josh gestured for us all to go to the car. I waited for everyone to sit down before sitting in the spare seat by Vikk.

'Hiya.' I said to him smiling.

'Hey.' He smiled.

'I'm Addie.' I introduced myself by my nickname.

'I'm Vikk.' We shook hands.

'What games do you like to play?' He asked randomly.

'I mean, I don't play very much anymore, but I played Roblox a few years ago. My favourite game I've ever played though is probably Minecraft.' I explained.

'WE GOT A MINECRAFT-ER!' Vikk yelled overjoyed. I laughed with him and a few others in the bus before asking him a question.

'Where's Deji? He was here last night if I'm correct.'

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