Chapter 73

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I yawned and kept my eyes closed as I woke up, feeling JJ's bare chest of my back. He was so warm, and made me feel like going right back to bed- but I was too thirsty- it felt like my throat was about to split into two.

I put my hand on JJ's arm and slowly removed it from my waist, wiggling out of his grasp and landing gracefully on he cold floor with a large bang sound following. I sat up immediately and rubbed my back, checking to see whether JJ was still asleep. Of course the heavy sleeper was. 

I got up from the floor but didn't stretch- instead I just walked quickly to the bathroom, wincing when my feet hit the cold tile floor. 

I looked around for a cup, finding nothing and simply resorting to pulling out my mouth-wash cup and pouring some water in that, drinking from there. After drinking about three more cups of water, I walked back into the bedroom and shut the bathroom door behind me. 

I really couldn't be arsed to walk around to my side of the bed, so instead I just got in through JJ's side, and rolled over him, into my designated spot. I put my cold hand upon JJ's warm arm and pulled it over my waist, in the position it was in before I had left to get some water. I pulled my knees up into a kind of cornered position, and moulded back into JJ's body, closing my eyes and trying to go back to sleep.


I woke up again upon hearing someone knocking on the door. My throat was parched, once again, and I couldn't be bothered to answer. Either JJ could, or the person outside the door could piss off- excuse my language.

'What?' JJ called, his voice slightly raspy. When I tell you he had the sexiest fucking morning voice? I didn't joke.

'Can I come in?' Someone called from the outside.

'No.' JJ objected. 'Addie's still asleep.' I mentally smiled, thinking of how he cared.

'She doesn't have her own bed, yet?' The outsider questioned.

'No, she's sleeping on the sofa.' JJ explained. I noticed that his morning voice made him sound slightly more British.

'Okay, well I just thought I'd say that Nia made a group with everyone in it, asking for someone to 'send my of her stuff, already'' The outsider quoted.

'I'll text her later, just let me sleep for now.' JJ groaned, hugging me tighter which made me smile.



'It's one o'clock in the afternoon.'

'I'll wake up in a few minutes.'

'Okay, see you in a few.'


I felt JJ lean all of his weight back down on the bed as he snaked his other arm around my waist.

'You aren't getting up, are you.' I whispered.

'You were awake?' JJ questioned quietly.

'Mhm.' I hummed as a yes.

'I'll get up if you when you want.' He mumbled against my back. I gave a small nod and shifted my body around so that I was now facing JJ. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. 'What?' He asked.

'I don't know, really.' I shrugged. 'I just have a habit for staring at people's faces. I like looking at everyone's facial features.'

'It's creepy.' He commented before closing his eyes. I smiled and was about to turn around, when I saw something... something life changing. 

Big. Fucking. House Spider.

I was almost paralysed with fear, but just about managed to reach out and tap JJ's face, my eyes transfixed on the giant house spider which was sat quietly, and perfectly still at the end of our bed.

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