Chapter 9

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I looked deep into his eyes. They looked darker- they were the exact shade of black coffee. They looked more sober now, like reality had hit him hard and awoken him from the dazed dream he was living in. His eyes were glazed with tears.

He walked back to the booth stiffly. Before sitting down abruptly and crying. I was surprised. JJ looked like such a funny, confident, positive guy, and seeing him like this made me cry a little inside.

I looped my arms around him and pulled him into a hug.

'I really thought she was the one.' he sobbed, holding on to me tightly.

'When people are in love, sometimes they just don't understand how others feel.' I said trying to make him feel less sad. He cried for a few more minutes in my shoulder. I didn't know what to do, so I just held him.

'I really loved her.' he whispered. I let go of him.

'JJ, I need to take you home.' I stated 'you're tired and probably need sleep.' I started helping him to his feet. He put his arm around my shoulder for support. We walked outside. I pulled over an Uber and got in.

'Where to?' The taxi man asked. I nudged JJ, signalling to him that he should say where he lived.

'*****************' said before the taxi man started driving. There was an awkward silence in the car which lasted the whole way.

'That will be $23.' the taxi man said. JJ looked in his backpacker for some money, so I quickly slapped a $50 note into the guy's hand.

'keep the change' I said at the astonished man.

I looked at the place JJ and the rest were staying. It was a gorgeous villa with many balconies and exotic plants scattered around the house.

JJ started stumbling towards the house and I ran towards him, giving him support so he didn't fall. We walked towards the house and went inside. I looked around in awe. It had beautiful ornaments and decor complimenting the colours of the room.

I flicked a light switch on and saw JJ squint. He may have not liked how bright it was, but he was going to have to put up with the light. I didn't want him to trip over something in the dark.

I expected he was going to go up to his bed, but instead he flipped on the couch and got comfortable. I sighed before grabbing a thin blanket which was in the other sofa. I put it over JJ before walking to the door to go home.

'Stay.' I heard JJ mumble.

'JJ, I need to go home.' I whispered.

'Please?' he asked innocently. I sighed. I couldn't say no to the poor guy. I sat on the adjacent couch and kept an eye on him.

'Night.' I heard him whisper before I fell into a short and scary dream.


I woke up to see JJ sitting opposite me with a hunched back and something in his hands. It was still quite dark, and I couldn't see what he was holding.

'JJ?' I questioned. He didn't reply. 'JJ...?' I repeated nervously.

'You should never go to someone's place alone.' he chuckled darkly. His head was pointed down and I couldn't see his expression.

'JJ, what's going on.' I said firmly. He didn't reply, but he looked up. I gasped. There was a long red scar going from across his left eye to his collar bone. I looked towards his hands. He was holding a long, sharp axe.

Got up and started staggering towards me, raising his axe. I got up and nearly managed to run, but my legs felt like jelly, and all sense of direction was lost. I crumbled to the floor.

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