Chapter 48

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I panted as I flopped down on the bed by JJ.

'That was intense.' I smiled slowly.

'It was great.' JJ turned around and pecked my cheek, flinging an arm around my waist and pulling me closer. I laughed and nuzzled back into his chest which was pressed against my back. JJ put his arm out so that it rested just under my neck like a cushion. He closed his eyes and his breathing slowed.

'Are you seriously going to sleep?' I questioned.

'Mhm.' JJ hummed. 'Why?' 

'You've been asleep for almost all of today.' I laughed. 'The morning, the bus, you've practically been sleeping whilst watching TV.' 

'But I'm still tired.' He mumbled, squeezing me a little.

'Have you ever been in a movie?' I asked randomly.

'Yeah, why?' He asked.

'I want to watch a movie but I don't know what to watch.' I grinned.

'Noooo.' JJ groaned.

'What's it called, again?' I asked.

'I'm not telling you, because the acting was so bad.' He said.

'Isn't it great we have the internet, then.' I smiled, pushing away and trying to get out of bed.

'Noooo.' JJ said for the second time, pulling me back to him. I giggled and just accepted, curling up and into the foetal position.

'You do know it's only about 7PM, right now?' I murmered, inhaling his irresistible cologne. 

'I know, that's why I tried to make dinner before I came up.' JJ mumbled back.

'You did?' I asked, turning around and looking at him.

'I thought it would be a nice thing to do since you always make the food and since you're going tomorrow.' He smiled slightly with his eyes closed.

'You're honestly so fucking great.' I smiled, hugging him.

'You wanna go eat?' He asked, opening an eye and stretching.

'I thought you wanted to sleep.' I grinned.

'One can make exceptions for certain people.' JJ said as he shuffled to the side of the bed to get out. He pulled a shirt over his bare torso, walking into the bathroom before returning and chucking me my cargo pants and turtle neck top which I had left in the bathroom.

'Thanks.' I smiled, getting changed under the covers before chucking the duvet to the side and getting up. 'What did you make, again?' I asked.

'I just made a simple pork meatballs and spaghetti.' JJ said. 

We walked into the kitchen and I saw that there were two plates of spaghetti with meatballs, sauce, a sprinkle of cheese, and garlic bread. It smelled great. 

'Take a seat.' JJ urged, pulling out a chair before picking up the two plates. I sat down as JJ placed a plate on the table in front of me, before placing his plate of food down opposite me. He walked over to a cupboard and took out two tall goblets and a bottle of red wine. He popped open the bottle, some bubbles fizzling and spilling from the top. JJ poured the drink into the two goblets, handing me one.

'Cheers.' I raised my glass.

'Cheers.' He grinned, nearly downing the whole thing in one.

'This is kind of like a date.' I said, taking a sip of my wine.

'I planned on making it one until I came up and we had sex.' JJ shrugged. 'I don't have any regrets about it, either.' 

'Me neither.' I grinned, picking up my knife and fork and taking a bite of a meatball. 'What the fuck, JJ- these are amazing!' I exclaimed in shock.

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