Chapter 76

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I opened my eyes and blinked, feeling pain when I did so. I felt the damp pillow under my face, and when I touched my cheek, I could feel a damp sensation. Had I really fucking cried? Crying was weak as Hell. (Future Grace here to say that crying is healthy and natural and you can do that shit whenever)

I rose up from the bed and shivered before going upstairs and changing into a pair of thin grey joggers, as well as a white tee-shirt.

After that, I used the toilet and went downstairs, eating a silent breakfast, not accompanied by anyone.

After that, I washed my plate in the sink before putting it on the plate-rack and returning back up to JJ's room, where I saw him sat on the bed scrolling through his phone.

'Hi.' He said when I walked in. I nodded to show that I had noticed him. 'What were you doing outside, yesterday?' He questioned.

I paused before answering. 'It's honestly quite weird.'


'I had a dream where I was singing lyrics to a beat, so when I woke up I was like; holy shit that lyrics slapped- so I quickly wrote it all out on a notepad, and then afterwards, I was like; what was the beat to that? So then I loaded up a beat I've been working on and wanted to try sing it with the beat- but I knew I'd probably wake the whole house up if I tried singing to it, so I went outside and sang it.' I explained quickly.

'Did it match?' JJ questioned.

'Perfectly.' I smiled in hindsight.

'Well then I presume you'll need a place to record the singing in to the beat.' JJ stated.

'I can wait until I get back to America.' I shook my head.

'Nah, there's a place that Talia, Randolph, and I are going in to record something, today- you can come, too.' JJ suggested.

'Wouldn't that be intrusive, though?' I asked.

'Nope, because I invited you.' JJ said, popping the P.

'Alright, well then that'd be really great.' I grinned. 'What time exactly are you going?'

'In about an hour.' JJ replied.

'Okay.' I nodded before walking out of the room and up to mine. 'Thanks.'

'No problem!' He called out to me as I jogged up the stairs.

I went up the stairs and saw my phone buzzing on my desk. I picked it up and viewed a text from Randolph.

Randolph: Ay, JJ, Talia & I r going to the recording place today- u want to come and record a verse with us?

Addie: On the same song? JJ asked whether I wanted to come to record my song in, just wondering whether he told you that- or you're asking me to record a verse on the same beat.

Randolph: I was inviting to do a verse on the song, but you can do both tbh

Addie: Kk, thx

Addie: Can you send the beat over so I can quickly write a verse?

Randolph: yh, sure

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Randolph: We figured that the order of the song would go from the chorus (my part) to JJ's verse, then Talia's pre-chorus, then the chorus, that's when you get a nine line verse to (hopefully) rap on, then Talia's pre-chorus, my chorus, and that's it

Addie: K, thx

Addie: So I gotta rap?

Randolph: I mean, it'd fit with the song better than singing, cuz then Talia's bit is next, and she sings

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