Chapter 4

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I left the room. I left the room and started walking to the stage. I didn't know where it would be, but I'd find it. I quickly started playing the press conference on my phone, so I didn't miss out on anything that either of them said. 

The crowd reacted by booing at KSI. They started booing, and didn't stop for a solid 3 minutes, and by the time they had stopped, I was at the bottom of the stairs to the stage. Jake looked down and saw me. He mouthed 'NO' clearly. He caught JJ's attention whilst doing so. JJ looked down and made eye contact with me. It was only a second, but the emotions I felt made it feel like an eternity. First I felt love- not going to lie, he did have a kinda hot stare, before getting scared- he is the YouTube boxing champ, next I felt anger at this clown, before I felt determination to fuck this guy up. Messing with my brothers is one thing, but messing with me is another.

Logan realised everyone was staring off stage, and looked round to see who was there, before looking at me in shock. I just took a deep breath, big smile, and strutted on stage.

I smiled and waved at the cheering fans before signalling to Dave to throw me a microphone. I caught it single handed and stood in the middle of the stage, yelling at the crowd 'GOOD MORNING LA!' The crowd cheered even more. I knew what to do. I was known for being an immense crowd pleaser at events. I was happy, loud, cheerful and funny. The crowd roared with cheering and applause. I took a bow before waving at Logan, Jake, Shannon, JJ, Deji, and a surprised looking Viddal.

JJ looked in shock before deciding to try and diss me. 'So it really takes 3 Paul's to battle just me?' he sneered

'Nah, I'm just taking Deji's place since he's irrelevant and doing nothing.' I shrugged with a cheeky grin plastered on my face.

Deji didn't do anything. He just sat still, staring into space. I laughed at him and JJ.

'if you're telling me that's what Jake's fighting, then I'm pretty sure that we won't even need a match to sort out who the real winner would be.' I said rolling my eyes and gesturing at the crowd to make some noise for me.

JJ then decided to fuck up badly. He then decided to use the seduction to try and get under my brothers' skin.

'So Addie, are you free on this Saturday, 3:30? I can show you what a REAL man is like. Of course you wouldn't know what a real man is since you live with them two.'

'Dumbass.' I rolled my eyes sassily. 'You think that YOU, the 26 year old man who's obsessed with dragon Ball z, pretending to be something he isn't, and gassing yourself over your shit own rap songs which you literally just have 4 bars in, are a man?' I questioned.

JJ was about to start speaking again, belt I cut him off. 'oh, and about Saturday, I'm free, but I don't know whether YOUR GIRLFRIEND WOULD LIKE THAT.' I yelled gassing up the audience.

In the spurr of the moment, with all the fans making me feel hyped, I decided to say this:

'WHO WANTS TO KNOW WHO JJ'S GIRLFRIEND IS?' the crowd screamed with anticipation. I looked towards KSI, who looked neutral, but his eyes told me not to. 'IS THAT A YES?' I asked the crowd, getting an even bigger roar. I looked at JJ again. 'how do you feel about this, JJ? Are you done with your girlfriend getting exposed?' I asked him, really trying to push his buttons. He chuckled and shook his head, putting his sunglasses on again. 'YEAHHH, go cry behind your sunglasses' I mocked him. I decided that I had done my job at mocking JJ and redeeming myself, so I thought it was time to leave the stage. I just had to just excuse myself before I did. 'Anyways, thanks for having on stage' I smiled at Dave 'but this has been me, Addison, and I can't wait to see you all again.' I waved at the audience. I quickly ran towards Viddal, giving him a hug and whispering 'text me later' before whispering 'you're lucky I didn't expose you' as I walked past JJ. I smiled a Jake and Logan, giving them a wink and a fist-pump. I gave Shannon a small hug too. I took a bow before stepping down the stairs and off stage.

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