Chapter 62

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'So all of the spare rooms are taken, and we need to know a place where Addie can stay.' Vikk explained in his presenter voice to the three boys sitting on the couches.

'I'm also more than fine with sleeping on a couch or finding a hotel to stay at.' I threw in.

'cough cough sofa cough cough.' JJ said, not even bothering to actually cough, and instead just saying the words. I smiled and rolled my eyes, sitting back in the black couch I was currently sat on.

'We have a room where you can stay.' Simon nodded. 'We just don't know where.'

'Well where are Nia, Dej and Talia staying?' I asked.

'Talia is staying in my room, Deji has gone back to his house- and Nia's presence is unknown.' Josh said. 

'Well the unused rooms in the house are the wash room, which is just unfit to be stayed in since all there is in the room is a sink.' Vikk started.

'Some of the downstairs rooms are free to be used, but have no facilities.' Josh also said.

'Wait- my room had space.' JJ said. All of our heads snapped in his direction as we gave him a weird look.

'Are you alright?' I asked.

'Nah nah nah, don't take that out of context.' JJ said, suddenly realising what he had said. 

'It's hard not to.' Vikk laughed.

'Haha, hard.' Simon pointed at Vikk and laughed lamely. The fact that what Simon had said was so unfunny and dumb made me snort and laugh a little.

'You really find that funny?' JJ asked me, realising one of his eyebrows.

'It's just the dumbness and my immaturity that finds it funny.' I said between laughs. JJ chuckled lightly.

'What I meant when I said my room has space, was that she could sleep in the upstairs bit of my room. You know- with the gym outside?' JJ suggested.

'I think you're forgetting that room doesn't have a bed, bathroom, furniture, or privacy.' Vikk disagreed. 'Plus she wouldn't be able to film any videos without you talking in the background.'

'We could go to Ikea and get furniture that Addie wants, Addie can share my bathroom, and Addie and I can record videos at different times.' JJ reasoned against Vikk.

'And privacy?' Vikk asked.

'The door has a lock.' JJ pointed out.

'I mean that you literally just need to go to the far end of your room and look up to see everything that Addie is doing. It's relatively creepy.' Vikk stated, and Simon nodded in agreement.

'But I practically never even go to that side of the room.' JJ argued.

'Let's just ask Addie whether she'd be fine staying in JJ's room, or she wants to stay somewhere else in the house.' Josh said.

'I'd be more than happy to stay in JJ's upper room.' I clarified. 'JJ said I could share his bathroom which is great, and plus the gym is right outside. Privacy is fine because I can just use the bathroom if I ever need to change, or something- and if it's alright, I could buy some stuff later today from Ikea...?' I said, questioning whether I could for the last statement.

'Alright, then.' Vikk smiled.

'Great.' Simon also said.

'Well before it get's uncomfortable, I'm going back up to my room to make videos.' Josh said, getting up.

'I'll help set up your room.' JJ said to me, and we got up.

We walked back into the marble entrance, and JJ picked up my suitcase from the door. I tried to protest and said that I could carry it myself, but he just shook his head. I picked up my rucksack and slung it around my shoulder before following JJ up the three flights of stairs and entering the room through the gym.

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