Chapter 66

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I remembered that RackaRacka were staying in the rooms on this floor- and Simon, Vikk and Josh's rooms were on the second floor, downstairs.

I jogged down the stairs and knocked on the door behind the stairs.

'Come in!' Someone called from the room. I opened the door and saw Vikk sitting with his headphones and glasses on. His eyes were glued onto a screen with animated characters running across Vikk's three computer setup. 'Yep, one second- Addie's in my room.' Vikk said into his mic before lowering his headphones slightly and looking at me and the screen at the same time. 'What's up?'

'Oh, JJ and I are going to paint one of the walls and wondered whether anyone wanted to join.' I explained. 'But I guess you're busy streaming- so it's alright.'

'Yeah, I would help if I wasn't.' Vikk said, tapping his keyboard ferociously as his eyes flickered back and forth between me and the screen.

'Okay, well I'll go and ask the others.' I wrapped the conversation. 'See you later.'

'Bye.' Vikk said quickly, yelling into his mic at whomever he was playing with.

I walked out of the door, shutting it behind me and walking to the next door.

'What do you want!' The person inside called.

'Are you free, and if so- do you want to come paint a wall with JJ and I upstairs?' I popped my head around the door and saw Simon sitting on his bed holding his phone.

'I would, but aren't we going to Wireless in about an hour or so?' Simon asked.

'I thought Wireless was tomorrow?' I queried back.

'I know, but I think Josh arranged with the Wireless people that we could go there today and film something whilst they set up for tomorrow.' Simon said uncertainly. 'And in advance, I'm going to ask whether you can come join in with the video, because you boosted our subs, views, and make great clickbait- I know that sounds needy- but you understand because you're also pretty deep in the YouTube world.'

'Well going through all of your points, I'd be more than happy to come film or help film if you ever need it, and I get what you mean about the clickbait, views and subscriber thing.' I agreed. 'I'll go check with Josh whether we are going to Finsbury Park, today.'

'Mkay.' Simon nodded, going back to tapping on his phone. 

I turned around and walked through the door, going to the room opposite to Simon's and knocking.

'Just a sec!' Josh called. There was a rushed scuffling sound before the door was opened with Josh standing behind it. 'Are you going to Wireless like that?' Josh asked.

'So we're going to Wireless today?' I asked for confirmation.

'We are meant to be going in fourty-five minutes.' Josh corrected me.

'Ah.' I nodded. 'So it wouldn't be a good idea to paint a wall right now.'

'Not particularly.' Josh agreed. 'Unless you don't want to come...'

'Oh, yep- I'd love to come.' I smiled. 'I'll just tell JJ that we're going to Wireless in forty-five minutes, and just chill in my room.'

'Oh, how is your room going?' Josh asked. 'I heard you were putting up furniture and stuff.'

'Well we've only managed to assemble the wardrobe, so far. We plan on paint the wall opposite to the door an orange colour, after we come back from Wireless, or tomorrow.' I said.

'That sounds cool.' Josh nodded.

An awkward silence settled for about thirty seconds.

'So I'll go change into some lighter clothes and tell JJ what's happening.' I finished, walking backwards whilst waiting for him to reply.

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