Chapter 36

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'Wake up already you dumb blonde bitch.' I heard someone whine. I turned around slowly and squinted through through one eye.

'Woahh, I swear you guys are like paedophiles watching me whilst I sleep.' I slurred in a groggy tone, seeing Katie, Freya, Sarah, Talia, Mier, Sursh, Gee and Laura standing on one side of my bed. 'And for the record, my hair is kinda pink right now.' I yawned.

'Just shut up and get up before JJ does.' Freya laughed quietly, ripping the blanket away from me. I curled into a ball and shivered. I looked at the LED clock on my bedside table.

'Seven o'clock in the morning? Are you guys mental?!' I chuckled quietly, stretching my limbs out and sliding to one side of the bed.

'Well, we're celebrating JJ's birthday today, and we need to sort some stuff out for him and us.' Katie explained.

'Fair enough.' I nodded, planting my feet on the floor and rising up from the bed. 'Go have some toast or whatever downstairs whilst I get ready.' I told them. 'Then we can go as soon as possible.' They all nodded and walked downstairs.

I used the bathroom before brushing my teeth and hair. My hair was annoying-ly long, but I had never had the gut to cut it off. I ran a brush through all of the knots, wincing as it felt like someone was trying to pull my hair out. 

Eventually, I managed to get my hair relatively presentable, but pulled it back into a slick, practical ponytail. I looked through my wardrobe and picked out a comfortable t-shirt. The T-shirt was Abby Robert's green and black merch, which I had bought about a year ago. I had previously cut the bottom and sleeves roughly at the ends to give it a more 'e-girl' vibe. I paired the top with some mom jeans with rips at the knees, and debated putting on one of JJ's Footasylum hoodies which he offered the first night when he was drunk, and we had just come back from the club.

I put a dot of nude lipstick on my lips and spread it evenly, before grabbing my phone and some money, and shoving it into a small black purse with a gold chain, which I carried most stuff in.

I quietly walked down the stairs, cautious not to wake JJ up. The girls all looked up at me once I had come down, before getting up and walking silently to the front door.

We walked in silence out of the house, me locking it behind us.

'Wait, so... how are we meant to get there again?' I asked.

'I booked one uber. and... well, we don't know what the other four will do...' Mier said awkwardly.

'Oh, no worries, someone can drive my car.' I pointed to my red car.

'Can I?' Mier said excitedly.

'Sure.' I grinned, tossing her the keys. 'But please don't scratch it.' I pleaded.

'Wouldn't dream of it.' She beamed.

We sat on our phones, waiting for the Uber to arrive. When it did, it seemed that many people were quite determined to sit in my car.

'I can go in the Uber if it helps.' I shrugged. The girls kept bickering. 'GIRLS!' They all looked at me. 'Laura, Katie, Gee, Sursh, let's go in the Uber. Talia, Freya, Sarah and Mier can take the car to wherever we're going. We can all swap seats on the way back.' I negotiated. They all shrugged or nodded in agreement before getting in the vehicles.

'So remind me, girls, where exactly are we going?' I asked.

'We're going to start by going to the yacht where we are meant to be celebrating JJ's birthday, and meet up with the boys there. We're just going to add some things around the yacht, and then we will go do the next thing. Some of the boys will have stayed at JJ's place to keep him entertained.' Laura explained.

'I have two questions. One, who all is coming to the party? Because if it's a yacht, I'm pretty sure that us girls and boys won't be the only ones going.' I said.

'Oh, well, the yacht will still be docked whilst the party is going on, so anyone who is walking along the dock can just come on the boat.' Sursh explained.

'Okay, are you sure that isn't dangerous though?' I asked unsurely.

'I don't think anyone would be rude enough to ruin a birthday celebration.' Katie reasoned.

'Fair enough.' I nodded. 'So what will we do once we have set up the yacht? Not that I don't look forwards to it, it's just that I like to know everything that's goin-'

'Don't worry about it.' Gee beamed. 'Laura knows everything that's happening.'

'Indeed I do.' Laura said. 'So after we have set up the boat, then we're going to go and get JJ presents from the nearest shopping centre, then we will go and get outfits for the party, we can then go and get ready at our place- not JJ's, and then we go to the boat! Everyone would have been entertaining JJ will also come to the shopping centre to buy the presents, and JJ can record some videos and do whatever he wants to.' Laura finished

'That sounds brilliant of course, but when do we give JJ the presents?' I asked.

'We planned on doing it late in the night when everyone's gone and we're fucking wasted.' Sursh explained. 

I laughed at her explanation before replying. 'That sounds great, if everything goes swimmingly.' I winked at the pun, and some of the girls groaned in disappointment. 

'What could go wrong?' Laura asked a few seconds later, furrowing her brows together.

'Well, there's always the possibility that one of us went home early since we were sick.' I started. 'Or someone gate crashed and fucked everything up, maybe JJ would even leave before the end.'

'Why would he do that if it's his party?' Katie questioned.

'One night stand, maybe.' I shrugged.

'Well, let's make sure to tell everyone to stay until all the random people have left, and make sure that JJ stays the hell in the boat.' Gee snapped her fingers sassily.

'Hell yas.' I high-fived Gee. 'Also, what do you plan on getting JJ? I don't know him that well, so I honestly wouldn't know what to get him.' I said.

'Well, most of us are giving presents as couples.' Gee explained.

'I know that Randy will either give something to do with Pokémon or Dragon Ball Z.' Laura said.

'I'll decide on something at the mall.' Sursh shrugged.

'Same here, really.' Katie agreed.

'$28 please.' The Uber guy cut us off. 

'We payed in advance.' Katie narrowed her eyes.

'Oh, so you have.' The Uber guy said in a bored tone, not looking at his phone. I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the Uber. 'Have a nice day.' He grumbled before speeding away.

I looked around the dock. There were some cute, small shops around- but no big mall that the others were talking about. I turned around and looked at the yacht.



Updates have been sparse at the moment, full explanation on my conversations page. Sorry for a short chapter this time, but there will be a SIX THOUSAND word chapter out in... I don't know when, but I promise to post an overly long chapter sometime.

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