Chapter 14

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'JJ' I whispered. 'Don't look behind you, but all I'm saying is that there's two 40 year old men following us.'

JJ blatantly looked back and straight at them. He shrugged and put one of his arms around my shoulders. One of the guys started approaching. I held the shopping bags tightly in fear. 

This was one of the reason I didn't go out. America is a dangerous place when it's dark.

I had parked my car was quite far away from the grocery store, because a fan might have spotted the car and stalked us home- but I now regretted not parking nearer to the shop.

I quickened my pace, trying to get to the car as quickly as possible- but that wasn't enough. I felt someone lock my head in a choke hold. I dropped the bags and grasped the man's arm. My throat was being crushed. JJ looked shocked and didn't know what to do. For a moment I thought he wasn't going to do anything, but then he jab punched the guy in the side, making him let go of me.

As the man who was holding me started fighting JJ, I noticed he was wearing a florescent blue jacket that looked a lot like what a midnight biker might wear to make sure he wasn't run over.

I was about to grab my shopping bags and run into the store to alert someone, when the other old man we had seen, started approaching. The only difference to last time the guy had came over, was I was at my wits this time.

He aimed a slow punch at me, to which I responded my grabbing his hand before it made contact with me. I twisted it sharply before pulling him closer and kneeing him in the place it hurts the most. He bent over and wheezed before abruptly kicking my legs and knocking me off balance. He grabbed my arms and pinned them to the ground, sitting on my legs, not allowing me to escape anywhere.

'Who are you?' I whispered.

'A recruit.' He hissed in Russian before taking one hand off of my arm and punching me in the face. My nose starting pouring out blood. He took out a knife from his pocket. He was about to stab me with it, but I jabbed him in his side with the arm he had let go of. 

He bent to the side from the impact of the hit, before I flipped him onto the side he leant on. I punched him in the face. Once. Twice. Thrice. He was out cold. I dragged him into a dark corner where a street lamp wasn't working. Nobody was going to find him there.

I turned around to see JJ on top of the guy who attacked him. JJ was punching him in the face just as some workers started to come out of the store. They ran towards JJ and the other man.

'Hey, hey, get off him.' One of them said to JJ, dragging him off. The attacker quickly got up and punched JJ in the stomach before running away.

'This is a misunderstanding.' I started explaining quickly. 'These guys came and attacked us when we were walking to the car. We just wanted to defend ourselves.' There was still blood dribbling out of my nose and making my speech slightly unclear.

'Here, wipe your blood off.' A worker gave me a tissue kindly. 'Go back home and get cleaned up. Have a safe journey.' They all quickly ran off, probably thinking we might attack them. I took the tissue and wiped most of the blood off.

'Fucking hell...' JJ panted.

'Welcome to America.' I replied, grinning despite the fact I was bleeding and hurt.

'Why are you even smiling?' He questioned exasperated.

'Happens all the time- always wanted to see what it's like to get jumped.' I grinned madly. JJ rolled his eyes, a small smirk displayed on his face.

'Uhm Addie, is he... dead?' JJ  pointed to the guy I knocked out, a shocked expression painted on his face. 

'Just out cold. He'll wake up any time soon.' I said, quickly picking up all of the shopping bags and shoving the food that had fallen out, back in.

'Okay, come on.' I said once I had picked up all of the items. JJ took a bag off me and carried it to the car. I opened the boot and we put the shopping bags in

'Addie, your nose is still bleeding.' JJ noticed.

'No shit sherlock.' I laughed, dabbing my nose with the tissue. 

'No Addie, seriously- let me drive. I don't want to crash.' He stated gravely. Deciding not to start another fight, I shrugged and got into the passenger seat, throwing him the keys which he caught neatly.

'Just beware, it's great for drifting around corners.' I winked. JJ's eyes widened. 'Maybe you can try drifting tomorrow though. It's too late to do so today.'.

JJ put the keys into the car and reversed out the parking lot. He started driving at 30 miles per hour, and maintained that speed throughout the journey. The journey was silent, apart from the sounds of the city we drove past.

JJ parked before handing the keys. I gave a nod to say thanks, before JJ took the shopping bags out of the boot. I tried to take one from him, but he shook his head and continued walking. We got to the door, which JJ opened. 

I switched the light on to see the guys and girls chilling on the couch. 

'Hey...' I said awkwardly.

'What happened?!' Talia yelled.

'What?' I was confused.

'Your face!' Lux pointed, his mouth wide open.

'Oh, haha, we just got jumped.' I waved it off. Everyone on the sofa shared a look of confusion and concern. 'It happens all the time when it's dark guys, down worry.' I reassured them. I took the shopping bags, putting the food into the fridge, freezer and cabinet. Once I was done I went back outside and brought my suitcase inside.

I saw JJ sitting down on the couch. I tapped him and asked nervously 'Which room can I stay in?'

'Oh, just follow me.' He shoved his phone into his pocket and led me up to his room. Stopping just outside. 'You can either sleep in my room, or opposite mine.'

'I'll keep my stuff in the opposite room, and maybe come join you at times.' I explained. He nodded before leaving me to unpack. I turned around and entered my room, getting used to where everything was before unpacking.

I started by putting all of my clothes in the wardrobe, in the order of dresses, skirts, shirts, t-shirts, jeans, leggings, jackets. I then put my socks, bras, and panties in a drawer, putting all swimwear in the opposite drawer. I took out my toiletries kit and put it in my en-suite bathroom. 

I looked in my suitcase. The picture of Logan, Jake, Alissa and I was the last thing there. I took it out, barely looking at it in fear I would start getting all emotional. I put it by the side of my bed.

I changed into a pair of shorts and a baggy t-shirt, and flopped on my bed, scrolling through Instagram and TikTok. I hadn't made a TikTok for a while, so I played the renegade and did the dance. Satisfied with how it turned out, I posted it and looked at the door.

'We're having a movie night, want to come?' JJ Asked, leaning on the door frame. I nodded before following him down the stairs and sitting on the sofa. 

Sarah had put on Harry Potter, and Lux was giving Harry a felt-tip red scar on his forehead for the irony. Harry was protecting himself at all cost, wiggling under Lux's grasp and screaming at everyone for help. I rolled my eyes at their stupidity before turning around watching the movie. Today had been such a long day... I leant against the person to my side who happened to be JJ. He put an arm around me. He was wearing such a comfortable and soft hoodie which was like a pillow. I closed my eyes and before I knew it...

I was asleep.



I will probably be offline for most on the half term! If I am on released chapters!

When I say I am 'offline' I mean I probably won't update over half term. Buuuut, I will be contactable if you want to message, and... Yeah, I can probably just read books and message people over the half term. Anyways- Have a nice half term all!


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