Chapter 71

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The next three days for Addison were filled with laughter, screaming at Wireless- and all around good vibes. I won't bore you by explaining every single day with as much detail as I have previously written with- it would bore both you and me.

When Addison woke up in the morning with JJ spooning her under the covers. She immediately got up and went to the bathroom, remembering she hadn't brushed her teeth or taken a shower yesterday. She got her toothbrush and flannel from her room, and used JJ's shower gel, whilst in the shower. 

After that, she slipped on her outfit which was the white, a-symmetrical cropped top with one shoulder, and a cut-out under the chest, her pink camouflage cargo pants, and a pair of chunky black boots which Talia lent from her wardrobe. Addison blow-dried her hair and straightened it, also adding a few hairclips around the front of her hair.

After that, she woke JJ up, allowed him to get ready, and went down the stairs for breakfast, where she met Daniel and Michael Philippou, the twin brothers who made up the RackaRacka YouTube channel.

Addison realised how energetic they were and couldn't stop laughing at their jokes as she ate an apple. She didn't want to actually eat something heavy, her stomach felt like it was being churned like milk.

JJ, Simon, Josh, Talia, and Vikk eventually came down and ate some breakfast, and Addison couldn't help but notice how much JJ looked at her. Especially her top. Talia wore a cute 'Supreme' black and white checked bralette and matching pair of bicycle shorts, with glitter as highlighter on her shoulder and cheekbone. 

After breakfast, Talia quickly took Addison up to her room and added pink glitter to her cheekbones, eyes and collarbone as highlighter. She also gave Addison some light, pink makeup such as blush, lip-gloss- she even brought out her hair chalks and put some pink streaks in Addie's hair!

After that, Talia and Addison took a few pictures for each other's Instagram, and although Talia decided not to post any- Addison posted one in which she was crouching and leaning on her legs, and the picture was taken, showing her side profile. Addison flipped her hair and scrunched it up with a hand, covering half her face, and sticking her tongue out.

Simon called the girls down after they had been talking over nothing for a few minutes, before everyone shortly departed to Wireless. Nobody decided to vlog or record, because they really could not be bothered. 

The whole journey in the car was simply filled with everyone gassing each other up and yelling random things at each other. 

When the crew arrived, they got their tickets checked, before heading through the crowd and into the VIP area, where there were beanbags, drinks, and food. Oh, and the rest of the Sidemen plus some of their friends were there. 

Addison ended up meeting quite a few of the Sidemen's friends and shared contact details with quite a few before the music started. 

Addison met Steph Lee, one of Freya's best friends who was vlogging, and was great company. Steph was from the Philippines, and was one of the most friendly, likeable people Addison came across. She was a bunch of non-judgemental laughs.

She also met Ali Al-Fakhri, more commonly known as AnesonGib. He was loud and confident, not to mention the fantastic banter she had with him.

Addison also met Kay, who was Vikk's girlfriend. She was the shy and cute, and it was clear Vikk loved her a lot. She was tall and dyed her hair brunette, and has gorgeous green-hazel eyes.

Addison also met Joel Morris (JMX) and his sister Kirsty Austin. Joel was tall and I wasn't surprised to hear that him and Gib were also going to be fighting on August. Addison was almost bored in his presence, feeling like he would be a good history teacher. Of course, she tried to stay interested. Kirsty was only nineteen and was quite a bubbly, relatable person, to Addison. Talia told Addison later that Kirsty had OnlyFans, and had a fling with Simon and then Deji. 

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