Chapter 54

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'AGHHHHH!' I heard someone scream in the car.

I jumped and my eyes flew open.

'What the... Hell?' I exclaimed, knowing I couldn't swear in front of Tydus.

'We just wanted to wake you up.' Jake laughed, pointing his vlogging camera at me.

'I hate you.' I mumbled and chuckled a little, closing me eyes again.

'Don't go to sleep!' Tydus exclaimed from the back.

'Why not?' I asked, closing my eyes slowly.

'Nobody is playing I spy with me.' He said sadly.

'Okay.' I smiled, reopening my eyes. Tydus was too cute to say no. 'Do you want to go first?' I asked.

'Yeah.' He said. 'I spy with my little eye, something beginning with... A!'

'Is it an animal?'


'Is it an... ant?' I suggested.

'Nope.' Tydus replied, swinging his feet back and forth excitedly. I knew that his word was my name- but I was just going to let him think that I didn't know. Tydus loved winning games we played together

'Is it some adults?' I asked.

'Nope.' He giggled. 'You're terrible at this!'

'I'm not bad.' I laughed. 'You're just much better than me!' That was a massive ego stroke, and Tydus loved it. He giggled happily and kicked his feet against the car.

'Do you give up?'

'Yep.' I sighed. 'I think I've gone through everything beginning with A.'

'It was Addie!' Tydus laughed. 'You lose! That means I get to go again.'

'Alright then.' I smiled.

We played a few more rounds before Jake came up with an idea. 

'Hey, Addie.' He picked up the camera.

'What's up?' I did a peace sign to the camera. 

'Want to say random things to people in their cars when we pass them?' He asked.

'Sure.' I shrugged. We were currently at a traffic light, so I clicked a button which made my window go down. I pushed my sunglasses over my eyes, again and stuck my head out of the window.

 'Hey, sis?' I asked a blonde teen who was in her car, not really knowing the best way to address her. She had a fake tan and had bleached her hair a countless amount of times, by the looks of it.

'What do you want.' She snapped, chewing ferociously on some gum in her mouth. She pulled her sunglasses on top of her head and her eyes widened. 'Oh my God- is that Jake Paul?' She pointed to the front seat where Jake was sitting, and fluffed up her hair a little. I noticed that the green light had started flashing, signalling that it was going to turn amber in a few seconds.

'Girl, you have a flat tyre!' I pointed at her back, right tyre and pretended to look shocked. The traffic light turned amber as she looked at it.

'I can't see it.' She said, looking back and forth between Jake, the tyre and me.

'That's because there isn't one- you wouldn't be able to drive with a flat tyre.' I rolled my eyes. Tydus was currently sleeping in the back, which gave me a swear-pass. 'Dumbass.' I called out to her as Rari sped through the green traffic lights. I laughed and stuck my head back in the car, clicking a button which rolled the window up.

'That was soooo badass!' Jake exclaimed, mocking a cool teen and doing his dumb face. I laughed and high fived his stretched hand. 'Ooh, I need to think of something to do, next traffic lights.' Jake said, sitting back in his seat. 

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