Chapter 70

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'Ugh- finally we're back.' JJ commented as Simon pulled into the drive.

'Thanks for driving.' I thanked Simon after he had parked.

'It's no problem.' Simon shrugged. 'Now JJ- get out and help Addie out, too.'

'Fine, just a sec.' JJ got out of the car and I heard him opening the boot. Probably getting the wheelchair. I opened my car door as JJ opened the wheelchair. 'Need any help getting in it?' JJ asked, gesturing to the wheelchair.

'Nah, I can do it myself.' I pushed myself out of the car with my uninjured arm, before hopping on one leg into the wheelchair.

Simon shut the door from his car keys, before walking towards the door- JJ following, and me just going with him since I was in the wheelchair. 

As soon as we were in, I took one good look at the stairs and groaned. Going up them stairs would be an even bigger nightmare than trying to wear six inch stiletto heels and dancing on a table top. Not that I had ever done that before...

'We do have a lift, remember?' JJ reminded me when he heard me groaning about the stairs.

'Oh crap- yeah.' I laughed and remembered that the lift led directly up and into JJ's room.

I pulled my shoes off of my feet, and JJ did the same before he pushed me through the barren kitchen, and towards the elevator. JJ pressed the button on the elevator and waited for the elevator to come down before pushing me into the elevator and waiting for it to go up and into his room. The elevator ascended, and I silence was held between us, the elevator dinged, signalling we were on JJ's floor.

JJ pushed the wheelchair out of the elevator and towards his bed in the middle of the room. I laughed and put my weight on one leg and arm, before pushing my weight down on them and jumping off, and onto the bed. JJ laughed at me before walking to the other side and lying down on it.

I rolled over towards JJ, wrapping my arms around his torso, which was facing me. JJ seemed confused with the affection, but slipped his arms around my back, also embracing me in a hug.

'What's with the affection?' He chuckled and asked. I felt him pecking my head, and blood rushed to my cheeks. It was always the simple gestures that made me feel butterflies.

'Thanks for helping me all of today.' I said quietly, my speech even more inaudible because I spoke into the fabric of his t-shirt.

'Huh?' He couldn't hear my speech. I looked up into JJ's dark, honey eyes.

'Thank you for helping me all of today.' I smiled.

'It's fine.' He smiled back. 'You needed it, and I wouldn't leave anyone who was hurt... nearly anyone. Now put the goddamn ice-pack on your leg.'

I didn't move, instead closing my eyes and slowing my breathing.

JJ sighed and got up, exiting the room. I wondered whether I had annoyed JJ or done something wrong, and curled up slightly, feeling like I had messed up. I heard the door creaking again, and saw JJ holding one of the ice-packs we had gotten from the store, on the way back from the hospital. JJ saw me curled into a small shape and walked over, placing the ice pack on my leg and holding it there, whilst sliding back into the position he was in before he had left.

I buried my head back into the fabric of JJ's t-shirt and inhaled the smell coming from it. It smelled of the cologne I had smelled that day on the boat- citrussy, sweet and addictive. 

'Are you already wanting to go to bed?' He asked, when he saw me with my eyes closed and breathing slow.

'I'm late, it's tired.' I quoted. 'Wait- do you have something to do?' I didn't even wait for an answer, presuming I had held him back from doing something. 'Sorry, I didn't know.' I detached myself from JJ and rolled to the opposite side of the bed whilst clutching the ice-pack to my leg.

I moved the ice-pack down to where my leg was more painful, feeling the cold ice numbing the pain. I wanted a painkiller- but could not be more arsed NOT to get it. Instead, I waited for JJ to get off the bed and probably go to his desk and record a video. 

'I don't have anything to do- and you're more important than any of the stuff I might ever need to do.' JJ rolled onto my side and put his arms on either side of my waist- pressing my back against his torso. 'Plus you are one of the things I'd like to do.' I giggled at his pun, and his hands which were wrapped around my waist and unintentionally tickling my stomach. I let out another laugh when JJ pulled my closer towards his warm chest. I cosied into the back on his chest, curling a little bit.

'What?' I asked, smiling when felt his smile against my back.

'Americans have the most annoying fucking voices.' JJ spoke his mind. 'But there's something about your voice and laugh which I can't get enough of. You're like a fucking drug...' He inhaled. 'The best fucking drug I've ever taken.'

'Now you see- I have a feeling you haven't taken many drugs- which is why I have a feeling if Harry said that it'd be much more flattering.' JJ laughed at me and brought his head up from my back, resting it in the crook of my neck. 

I loved the way he held me- the way we fit together like two pieces of a puzzle when he spooned me. I reached up to his dreadlocks and ran a hand through them, playing with a few at a time.

'I fucking love you, Addie.' He mumbled.

I inhaled deeply at his words. Love was an extremely strong word- however, of course, some people threw it around everyday- I love those shoes! I love my friends. I love my pets. But something about the way he said it just left me slightly shook.

I didn't love him because I LOVED him...

I loved him because I had to. For Logan's sake...

Didn't I?

'Addie?' JJ questioned, noticing I was also lost in thought.

'JJ, I don't think I've ever said this to someone and meant it, but...' I closed my eyes and calmed my pulse before staring deep into JJ's eyes, displaying love, confusion, and hurt. Who was I going to be fucking kidding. I didn't have to lie- nobody was here to listen to me, other than JJ.

'I love you.'  

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