Chapter 1

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I slid down the banister whooping, before running towards Jake and Logan who were sitting on the table and eating.

'HOW YOU FEELING LOGAN?!' I asked shoving the camera in Logan's face. 'And you Jake, but you're kinda irrelevant since you're just fighting Deji' I joked, panning the camera round at Jake.

Jake pulled a fake offended face as Logan laughed. 'I'm feeling great, ready to go, glad not to be irrelevant.' Logan said nudging Jake with a smile 'And not as hyperactive as everyone.' He gave a me a pointed look, 'And ready to fuck up someone who's irrelevant, over-hyperactive and annoying.' He finished smugly

'Not gonna lie, that was pretty neat.' I said, shrugging.

I switched my camera off and sat at the table, grabbing an apple. 'So, how are you really feeling?' I asked Logan.

'Could be better, could be worse.' He shrugged before taking another bite of his toast.

'When is the conference again?' I asked nobody imparticular.

'You have 2 hours to get ready.' Jake rolled his eyes, smiling at my forgetfulness.

I ran back up the stairs running into Evan.

'Oh hey Evan.' I smiled down at him.

'hey Addison.' He smiled back.

Me and Evan didn't talk much. We both knew that we were only friends because of Logan, so we only made small talk. Nothing more.

I continued my journey upstairs before entering my room and flopping on the bed. I groaned in pain as I hit my head against the headboard. I saw my en-suite bathroom door whip open, and in response I grabbed the metal baseball bat on the side of my bed before closing my eyes and swinging it randomly.

'WHO ARE YOU!?' I shrieked. Had a fan gotten in? Surely not, I remember locking the gates.

I heard laughing. I opened one eye slowly to see Alissa (Alissa Violet) laughing.

I resisted the urge to laugh and asked 'When did you get here?'

'Just now.' She said between laughs before hugging me.

Me and Alissa were best friends, we met online and collabed on YouTube. I then introduced her to my family, and then her and Jake started going out. We were like twins, always together and practically knew everything about each other.

'Sorry I came so abruptly' she apologised before taking 'I heard you groan and thought you were either hurt or having sex. To keep safe I just came to see whether you were alright.'

I laughed at her stupidity before we started catching up. I looked at the time and gasped.

'Oh my God, Alissa, I need to be ready in half an hour.' I said horrified 'I'm literally just in pyjamas.'

She looked at the clock in horror before yelling at the boys who were downstairs 'WHAT SORT OF STUFF ARE YOU WEARING??'


Alissa pulled me over to my wardrobe and looked through it. I heard her muttering things like ' no no....' before she pulled out an outfit.

It was a pair of checkered grey pants and a black, fitted and cropped t-shirt. I remember buying the pants a few years ago. Would they still fit?

Alissa shoved them in my arms and said exasperated 'Well put them on then, we only have 20 minutes!'

I rushed in the bathroom and put it on. It fitted perfectly and looked great. I strode confidently out, only to be shoved into a chair by Alissa. She started attacking my face, putting concealer on any blemished areas, and to contour my face. She knew I hated lots of makeup, so only did light makeup- some eyeshadow in the crease of my eye and some natural lip gloss. She curled my hair quickly before brushing it out to form gorgeous beach waves. I looked at the time. We had 5 minutes.

'Alissa, throw me my doc martins.' I said. She moved some things around in my wardrobe before yeeting the shoes at me. I shoved my feet in them before grabbing my black purse with a gold chain and shoving in my phone, vlogging camera, lip balm, cash, credit cards and a small pocket knife for safety.

'Okay, go go go go!' Squealed Alissa.

She ran out of the door with me following close behind. I grabbed my black denim jacket on the way out before slamming the door behind me. Alissa ran down the stairs and I slid down the banister, crashing into her.

We landed at in a heap at the bottom of the stairs before I croaked from underneath Alissa 'We're here...'

'That's really great.' started Logan

'The only thing is that you're an hour early' finished Jake.

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