Chapter 52

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Eventually, after several traffic lights and chatting about random topics to my camera, I had arrived at the mall.

'Alright, we are at the mall.' I said, picking up my camera from the dashboard. 'I actually haven't a clue what to get JoJo.' I said, walking out of the car park and taking up sunglasses out of my bag and perching them on my nose. 

'Comment what you would get JoJo if you were going to her birthday.' I pointed down before walking into the mall and switching off my camera.

The mall wasn't massive, and I often went to this mall. I looked around and saw a girl's shop which was a lot like Claire's.

I walked in and picked up some multicoloured wrist bands, and a few rainbow hair bobbles and a giant glittery bow. Seemed like some stuff JoJo would use.

I walked up to the counter and payed. It costed just under ten dollars, and I knew I should buy something more. 

I walked out of the shop and walked towards a Starbucks. I was going to get a quick drink which I could sip on whilst I walked around getting JoJo stuff.

I ordered a simple caramel Frappuccino. 

I took a sip as I exited, thanking whoever thought of inventing coffee and frappes, before walking through the mall and looking at things through the windows of shops. 

I stopped outside a clothing shop and looked at one of the mannequins. It sported a white leather jacket with tassels running along the edges of the pockets and in the middle. The tassels of white faded into silver glitter which sparkled under the bright display light. There were some also some silver glittery studs running along the ends of the collar.

Overall, it looked flashy and like something JoJo would perform in, and I was going to buy it for her.

I walked inside and took one of the hangers. I didn't know JoJo's size, but this looked like it would fit her. 

I payed at the counter, seeing that one jacket costed no less than eighty dollars! Crazy. At least I knew I had bought enough presents for her. After paying, I swiftly started walking back to my car which was a street away.

As I was walking and sipping my drink, a boy about the age of eight ran up to me.

'GEORGE!' A man ran after him.

'Can I have a picture, please? I'm literally such a big fan, and I've watched all of your videos and I've always wanted to meet you.' Little George said quickly, and I noticed he was getting slightly emotional.

'Of course you can!' I said. 'Aw, please don't cry!' I exclaimed, pulling out an unused tissue which I had gotten with my Starbucks order, and offered him.

'I'm sorry, it's just that I love your videos and I'm such a fan.' He gave a watery chuckle and took the tissue, wiping his tears.

'Don't apologise, I love meeting fans.' I smiled. Of course, I only liked meeting fans at certain times- but I didn't mind him. He was cute. 'Do you want to be in my vlog?'

'George!' A man crouched down by the small boy and put his hands on his shoulders, comfortingly. 'Why are you crying? Is she harassing you?' He stood up and crossed his arms in front of me.

'I-' I started.

'She's a YouTuber I watch, and I'm a massive fan, and I've just been offered to be in her vlog!' The boy said happily. He had wiped his tears away, and now looked extremely happy.

'I'm sorry- who will the vlog be visible to?' The man asked me.

'Anyone.' I said. 'But nobody will know any of his personal details, like where he lives or anything.'

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