Chapter 65

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'I reckon we should build the wardrobe first. That way we- sorry, I can put the clothes in it instead of putting them in my suitcase and having to unpack them all over again.' I rambled.

'Okay.' JJ nodded, walking towards one of the bags we had brought into the house and left on the side. 'By the way- I'm going to help you put your stuff in the wardrobe.'

'Thanks.' I smiled. 'I said that I was going to put the clothes back because I didn't want to sound like I was dragging you into helping me.' I explained.

'You're too considerate.' JJ told me as he took a box out of one of the blue Ikea bags.

'I just make sure that what I say comes out the way I intend it to.' I shrugged.

'Why do you care so much, though?' He asked, curiously.

'People have are good at taking what people say, and twisting it to stir drama up. You know how Keem, haters and just people in general want to try and cause drama because it's 'interesting'' I said, doing bunny ears.

'Simon's said that a few times.' JJ commented. 'Jesus Christ, these instructions are unclear.' He exclaimed, holding out the instructions to building the wardrobe.

'Don't use the Lord's name in vain.' I said out of habit, before taking the instructions out of JJ's hand and scanning through them.

'Huh?' JJ's head snapped up and his face had a confused expression painted on it.

'Sorry.' I apologised. 'I used to go to church ever Sunday when I was young, and got into the habit of repeating phrases the pastor said.'

'I thought you had gone Tobi on me.' JJ mumbled.

'What's that meant to mean?' I asked, a smile spreading across my face.

'He's a church-y guy.' JJ explained.

'Church-y?' I repeated, smirking.

'He's a Holy person!' JJ defended himself.

'He's not a Holy person.' I rolled my eyes and laughed. 'He's a religious person.'

'Same thing.' JJ shrugged.

'A religious person is someone who manifests devotion to a deity.' I clarified. 'A Holy person is someone like Jesus, monks, Saints, Angels, you get me?'

JJ just shook his head in what could have been disappointment, confusion or realisation.

'And also, do you have any screwdrivers, and maybe even drills?' I asked, closing the instructions book.

'Uh, yeah I'll just go get it.' JJ stuttered slightly, before jogging out of the room and down the stairs.

I walked towards the box and opened the seal at the top, pulling the flaps up and looking inside the box at all of the separate parts. I read through the instructions again and laid the components of the wardrobe out in order of the instructions. 

'Got the box of renovating stuff.' JJ jogged back into the room, holding a black box with yellow handles. It was moderately sized- about the size of an average amazon box.

'Great.' I commented, rising up from the floor and seeing what was inside it as JJ pulled it open.

Several differently shaped screwdrivers, multiple batteries, translucent cream-coloured masking tape, silvery-grey duct tape, gloves with orange grip spots dotted around the palm and fingers, a yellow measuring tape which was wrapped into a loop and secured with a rubber band, three differently sized metal wrenches, four types of saws, a green cordless drill, approximately a ten inch crowbar, one hammer, one axe (?), one chain, and for some weird reason- there was a chainsaw.

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