Chapter 75

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I opened my eyes and did that yawning thing where you yawn- but don't open your mouth. I wanted to go back to sleep, but since I had opened my eyes already, it felt impossible. 

My bed was blissfully warm and I had sank into the memory foam in such a comfortable position. None the less- I stuck one leg one of my warm bed and into the cold, morning air, before pulling the blanket off myself completely, and getting slowly up and out of bed.

I felt a strange urge to cry from sheer grogginess, and let out a whine of why the fuck am I up so early? I took leggings, a baggy shirt, some and some socks out of my wardrobe, putting them on and going down the stairs, and into JJ's bathroom. 

I used the bathroom quickly, not bothering to put any makeup or lotion on my face, instead just brushing my teeth, using the toilet, washing my face, brushing my hair, and exiting in less than ten minutes.

After that, I went down the stairs and into the barren kitchen. The house was silent, which meant that everyone was asleep, for once. 

I took the coffee powder out of one drawer and put a spoon of it into a mug before adding some hot water and milk, giving it a quick stir, and taking my phone out of my pocket whilst waiting for it to cool.

I browsed TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram for a few minutes before looking at the Reddit poll I had put up yesterday. Seventy-nine percent had voted yes, and the remaining twenty-one percent had voted no. 

Well then.

I quickly downloaded Reddit and started by looking through JJ's, Simon's, Will's, and Josh's pages. I gathered from Reddit, that it showed a bunch of fanart, video ideas, and bullying- the last one mainly from JJ's page. (hello hello hello- i wrote this bit when i was big on JJ's reddit, and would now like to report that i have left- but holy shit, practically all of the subreddit's content was 'hey, let's bully jj' when there was no need and virtually nothing to even bully... oh, and the KSImon jokes were so overrated, like- get over yourselves, two guys can show affection without having to be gay. And the KSImon jokes were so explicit, as well, it was never about a funny relationship, always about sex or cheating jokes.)

I searched my name into the search bar and found out that someone had already made a page for me!

I looked at the first post and my eyes widened. It was a link to YouTube. I clicked the link and it was one of my videos. I watched the first ten seconds or so before laughing when I realised I had been Rick Rolled.

I scrolled through the first few posts or so, wondering how I could make my Reddit videos different to other YouTubers'. 

I browsed ideas for a while, sitting on the counter and sipping my coffee, when someone opened the door.

My head snapped up as I saw JJ standing at the door.

'Hey.' I smiled.

'You alright?' He asked.

'Yeah, why?' I asked. 

'You just looked really surprised when I came in.' JJ explained.

'Uhm yeah, I just put out a poll yesterday asking whether I should start a Reddit, and the majority voted yes, so I'm just wondering how I can make videos which include Reddit posts, but also aren't the same as every other YouTubers' Reddit videos.' I rambled. 

'Just do something like... Reddit Wednesdays where you review the top ten posts, or something.' JJ suggested. 'And you could make skits from the posts, or something.'

'You know what- that's better than any of the ideas I've had all morning.' I said slowly.

'What ideas did you think of?' JJ asked.

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