Chapter 8

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We all clinked our shots before downing them. I pretended to down my shot, but just chucked all of the burning liquid behind me and pulled a face at the shots. I looked at Nia who no different to how she did before drinking the shot.

'LET'S DANCE!' I yelled over to the music to everyone, and dragged the girls with me. Nia was starting to look slightly heavy on her feet. I pulled her over to the dance floor. I started dancing with everyone, before the barman caught my eye. '5 MINUTES.' He mouthed. 5 minutes? What the hell was that meant to mean...? I then realised he meant 5 minutes until the pills that he spiked Nia's drink with were going to kick in. I looked around for JJ, making sure that he wouldn't be around so that Nia didn't kiss him. He wasn't on the dance floor... Not at the bar... He was still sitting at the booth with Simon. I Jumped around with the girls before I realised a circle had formed around us.

I looked around to see the club people surrounding us, cheering at our dancing skills. I wasn't too surprised- my dancing had made me TikTok famous.

I heard a song come on and knew it very well- lucky for me- I had even made a whole routine for the song. I started with a walking intro before slut dropping and getting back up and rolling my arms. I next did a weird thing where you balled your hands up and put them infront of your shoulder and swayed your hips. I then did the infinity loop with my arms and pushed my hand over my head and clicked. I started shaking in rhythm to the strong beat before the chorus . As the chorus came, I broke into a smooth shuffle dance. I heard the crown cheering around me so I carried on the dance until the songs was over. I felt some people walk over and hug me.

'THAT WAS AMAZING!' I heard Talia squeal over the music.

'Thanks.' I panted, out of breath. 'But I need a breather, I'm going to sit out for this one.' I said. I walked back towards the booth and sat. I looked at the barman who mouthed '1 MINUTE.' I nodded. I literally threw myself onto the seats before closing my eyes and breathing deeply.

'Hey.' I opened my eyes and whipped round to see JJ sitting to the side of me.

'Hey...' I said unsurely.

'Listen, I'm sorry about calling you a slut earlier, I just wanted to get under your brothers' skin.' He explained.

'I'm sorry for bieng harsh and threatening to expose your girlfriend.' I said sincerely. I was still pretty angry at him- but sometimes- you can choose not to be a dick and apologise.

'Can we be on good terms? You're not toxic and you're actually quite neuteral. Plus you seem pretty cool, and you get on well with all of us.' He stated. I wondered how drunk he was. I looked at his pristine white eyes and realised he was just as sober as me.

'I'd love to.' I grinned before picking up a shot for one of us. 'Cheers.' I downed the shot with him, knowing Nia would feel the drugs kick in any moment and my job would be done.

'Another?' JJ asked and handed a shot.

'Sure' I shrugged. I clinked my glass against his before downing the vodka that burned my throaght.

'Let's go dance!' I said to the now slightly drunk JJ. Whilst pulling him to the dance floor I saw the barman mouth 'ANY MINUTE NOW.'

We went to the crowd and started dancing and I brought everyone to come and join, apart from Nia. We danced and laughed at eachother, making jokes and being general crackheads.

'I saw you and JJ sociallising alot earlier.' Freya wiggled her eyebrows as she pulled me to the booth the talk. We sat down on the seats together.

'Haha, we're just getting on a neutral basis. We both apologised.' I explained

'If you're sure, but I think you guys would be cute together, and I'd prefer you to be with JJ instead of that bitch.' She yawned tiredly. 'But I think you might want to know though- Nia isn't dumb. She can be downright nasty if she wants to.' She finished before falling alseep on my shoulder. I was surprised she had fallen asleep. It was only... I checked my phone... 1AM. I quickly texted my brothers saying I was fine and should be back in a few hours. I then slung Freya's arm over my shoulder and dragged her towards Josh, who was on the dance floor.

I tapped Josh's his shoulder before gesturing to Freya. 'She feel asleep.' I told him. He nodded before thanking me and picking her up bridal style, walking out with her. I smiled at how loving they were before turning around.

I saw Nia kissing a random man who was touching her backside. I quickly whipped out my phone and snapped a picture. I looked across the dance floor before I spot JJ. I walked over to him.

'JJ?' I questioned, now nervous for his reaction.

'Yo wassup.' he smiled giddily from the alcohol.

I tried to speak and tell him about Nia, but no words came out of my mouth. I pointed at Nia and  turned to him, trying to make out his expressions and emotions. He stared species and shocked before looking do into my eyes...


Video of Addie dancing!

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