Chapter 64

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Nia was stood screaming at Simon who was yelling back. I looked around the room and saw my rucksack open- its contents spilled over the floor. Not to mention that my suitcase was wide open, with random articles of mine scattered over the floor.

'What the fuck?' JJ asked Nia and Simon, looking around the room in concerned shock.

'I was chilling in my room when I heard loud noise coming from your room- I knew you were all out, so I came and checked out what was going on, only to see Nia going through Addie's stuff and throwing it everywhere!' Simon exclaimed, pointing at Nia. 'And I'm not one to get angry, but she's honestly being the most unreasonable person I've ever met!'

'How did you even get in?' Talia questioned.

'Why are you looking through my stuff?' I inquired, offended that she was looking through my stuff, and that she had thrown practically EVERYTHING of mine all across the room. That included my bras and panties. 

'Why are you even in here?' JJ asked in an exasperated tone. 

'I know you and Addie are dating.' She said loudly.

'Nia, Nia, Nia.' I sighed. 'We literally told you why we aren't dating in the bus in America.'

'Then why are you going to be sleeping in JJ's room?' She questioned me, moving her head like some sort of sassy pigeon.

'I'm practically not in JJ's room.' I rolled my eyes. 'And it's because all of the other rooms in the house are taken.'

'What about the downstairs rooms?' She protested.

'Yeah, I'd love to stay downstairs where anyone has the liberty to walk in on me changing because there isn't a lock on the door, and since curtains haven't been installed in the rooms which nobody use- anyone outside would be able to see me sleeping or doing whatever. ' I started. 'Oh, and do we even have to mention that the boys might need to use the room and I'd be in their way?'

'Back to the original questions, though.' JJ reverted. 'Why are you here and how did you get in?'

'And what are you doing with my stuff?' I added. 

'I got in through the front door.' Nia rolled her eyes as if it were obvious. 'I still have keys.' Nia dangled the keys infront of our mix-of-pissed-and-surprised faces.

'Why are you here.' Simon demanded.

'I left all of my stuff here before I went to America, and I've come to collect everything back before I leave.' Nia said. I noticed how she lowered her head and blinked innocently. I didn't know whether Nia was trying to be sincere, or flirt with Simon- but Talia didn't like it.

'And what the frick of yours do you expect to find in Addie's rucksack and suitcase?' Talia spat at Nia. 

'No need to get angry.' Nia said in an annoying mocking voice, her face displaying a toxic smirk. 'I was just looking around.'

'Why.' I demanded.

'Bitch, calm the fuck down- it wasn't like I was stealing.' She narrowed her eyes and stepped towards me, giving me a degrading glare.

'Yeah, well it wasn't like you were doing anything useful or relevant.' I threw back, my tone becoming ruder. 'And don't call me a bitch.'

She rolled her eyes and instead of replying, she simply drew her fist back. 

Too slow.

As she sent her fist towards my face, I ducked and took a step forward, hitting the back of her knees so that they buckled, before pushing her onto the ground and putting all of my weight above her. She tried kicking me, but I was situated too far up on her waist to be touched.

'No need to get angry.' I mocked her words from before. Unexpectedly, she bucked her hips up and twisted her lower body at the same time, which caused me to get thrown off her and onto the floor. She climbed ontop of me and laughed, pinning my hands down to the floor either side of me.

'I'm honestly so sorry for this.' I said from the bottom of my heart, knowing that it was going to hurt.

I brought my knee up and kneed her in the centre of her abdomen, which caused her to groaned and roll to the side. She breathed heavily as she bent over and regained her breath. 

I just stepped back, contently- until she tried to grab my hair.

'Really, now?' I asked raising an eyebrow. I wrapped my hand around a long brown strand of her hair and tugged it viciously, bring her head down with my hand.

I looked down at my hand to see a the long hair on my hand.

'Now I don't have anything against people who wear extensions...' I cleared up. 'But how cheap are yours?!'

She growled and reached out for me again. I was tired of her bullshit and just stepped out of the way.

She stumbled into JJ's arms as I moved, looking up at him for any sympathy. I resisted the urge to slap the dumbass.

'Get out, Nia.' JJ shook his head in disappointment and anger, pushing Nia off himself.

'But my stuff-'

'You had a chance to get your stuff and leave peacefully.' Simon told her. 'JJ has your address and can collect and send all of your stuff to you through the post.'

'But... Talia?' She looked at Talia for support.

'I've put my trusted, before, Nia.' Talia shook her head. 'You're a back-stabber.'

Nia's bottom lip quivered. She looked like she was either going to cry, have an angry outburst, or was just scared.

'Nia.' JJ said in a calm voice, placing a hand on her shoulder. 'Leave.'

A tear leaked from the corner of her eye and she instantly wiped it off before letting out a small sob. She clapped her hands over her mouth before running out of the room. The sound of her heels clacking against the stairs could be heard as she ran down the stairs before a slam was heard. Hopefully the front door.

'You know.' I mused. 'I actually feel pretty bad for Nia, after seeing her cry.'

'And you're the one who wrestled her to the floor.' Talia raised a brow and smiled a little.

'I mean- I was pissed at the time, but now I feel guilty.' I shrugged. 'And also, what was Nia doing with my stuff.'

'I don't know.' Simon shrugged. 'She said something like 'looking for proof' when I came in and asked her the same question.'

'I bet she was looking for proof to say that Addie and I were dating.' JJ rolled his eyes.

'Are you guys dating?' Simon asked casually.

'For fucks sake!' JJ exclaimed as I exclaimed NO.

'Just asking.' Simon held his hands up in surrender.

'Sorry for overreacting.' I mumbled.

'Anyways, I'm going back to my room to carry on what I was doing.' Simon said before walking out of the door.

'I'll just follow him.' Talia said, backing out and to the door. 'Just call me if either of you need any more help.' She finished, leaving the room so that only JJ and I were in it.

There was an awkward silence for a few minutes, where we didn't know what to do or say. All of my clothes were scattered across the room, the whole scene we had just experienced had made us on-edge, and neither of us really knew what to do. We both just looked in different places around the room without making eye contact of speaking to each other.

I looked at all of my clothes, scattered across the room like sheep in a field, and JJ stared at the corners and out of the massive glass window on his left, which overlooked the balcony and garden.

I wasn't going to be the first to break the silence.

'Want some help picking up the clothes?' JJ suggested awkwardly.

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