Chapter 61

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I gasped when I saw the house.

'Only four people live in this place?' I turned around and questioned everyone. They just laughed. 'Bro, you have GOT to be joking... Can we go in?' I asked.

'Yeah, come on!' Simon took one of my suitcases and dragged it with his own, walking down the gravel drive and up to the door. He took some keys out of his pocket and shoved them in the door before pulling down the handle and opened the door.

I stepped through the door and kicked off my shoes at the entrance, looking around the large marble entrance. There were several mahogany doors around the entrance, and there was a mahogany railed marble, spiral staircase in the middle of the room leading three floors up.

Behind the stairs was a room with no doors between it and the entrance hall, and had two plaster pillar standing at the steps which descended down into the barren room which had a large pane of glass, which you could see the back garden through.

'Jesus fricking Christ.' I said slowly, taking everything in. 'This place is lit as Hell...'

'Want a tour?' Vikk asked, coming down the stairs.

'Please.' I nodded. 'Thanks for recording my reaction, too.' I smiled at Talia as she put the camera down.

'No problem.' She smiled tiredly. She was probably jet lagged and needed some sleep.

'Anyways, let's show you everything.' Vikk said. 'This is kitchen or breakfast room.'

He led my into a room with a white colour theme, and had a wooden cabinet and table which was surrounded my black barstools.

'This is Sarah, the chef.' He introduced me to a plump mother-like figure with blonde, greying hair. 

'Hi.' I smiled and waved.

'And then if we go through here, this is the dining room,' He led my through another door. 'And then this is just the sitting room where we record videos.' He said, before leading me back into the large entrance. 'Then these two rooms are just the office, and drawing room.' He said, just opening the doors so we could look into two rooms- but not enter.

'Jesus, this house has so many rooms.' I said, less slow than before, since my initial shock had vanished.

'We have one even cooler downstairs room.' He said, leading me back through the kitchen and through a door at the far end.

'Oh yeah, this the utility- feel free to use it.' Vikk said lazily, passing a room with a washing machine and a few other things. 'And then we have a changing room here.' He showed me a black tiled room. 'And then there's a steam room and sauna.' He showed me two small rooms before leading me into a large room. 'And here we have our pool and jacuzzi.' 

'Bro...' I was speechless. The pool was surprisingly large and had glass panes for walls, which over looked the even larger green garden. 'Please say you actually use this...'

'I barely use it because I prefer to be streaming and making YouTube videos.' Vikk explained. 'But the others occasionally come and use it.'

'Lit.' I nodded.

'Anyways, let me show you the upstairs floors.' He led me out of that area of the house, and walked back up the stairs, before showing me to the first floor. He knocked on the first door and Simon shouted something inaudible through the door.

'This is Simon's room.' Vikk opened the door and showed me Simon's moderately large room. It had a large dark grey rug in the middle of the room and an en suite and cabinets to the right hand side of the door. Further in the room was Simon's set up, and his bed, on which Talia sat on.

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