Chapter 6

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'What?' Jake asked.

'You think that he's going to use me to get to you, but I can get to him and lower his training, and fitness, and.... try give you an advantage.' I explained.

'And how do you plan on doing that?' Logan asked.

'Well, we all know how much JJ is obsessed with girls, so, I can try to become his girlfriend and occupy his time more.' 

'What about his current girlfriend.' Alissa asked.

'I'm sure that with time I will be able to get her out of the way.'

Jake and Logan shared a look.

'You can go...' Jake said 'But either Logan or me is coming with you.'

'Simon said neither of you could come.' I showed them the texts. 'JJ would flip his shit.'

'I'll go.' Alissa volunteered.

'Well how are you going to give me an advantage with Deji?' Jake asked.

'You don't even need an advantage. But I'm sure that if I did get with JJ, the nosy prick would come and want to know everything.' I explained.

Nobody had anything left to say.

'So is that a yes...?' I asked. Logan sighed and nodded. 

'Give us the time and place.' Jake demanded. I opened my phone and texted Si.

Addie: I'm coming!!

Si: Great! I'm sure u will love the guys and their gf's.

Addie: I hope so. When and where?

Si: 9:30 at ********** club

Addie: Great, c u there!

Si: Seeya!

'It's from 9:30 to whenever.' I said. 'So that means... I have an hour to edit my vlog, another 2 hours to film a video with someone, and an hour to get ready.' I calculated. 'Well, I've got stuff to do- Later!'

I walked upstairs and started editing the video, adding intro and outro music, and just some to compliment the video. I added some funny subheadings and things, before writing in the description. I put my merch and Simon's channel name in the description. '8 and a half million subscribers.' I read Simon's follower count. 'Not bad.' I made a thumbnail and pressed the upload button. I looked outside and saw it was currently golden hour. 

'ALISSA?' I yelled downstairs.

'WHAT' She yelled back.



Alissa came and took a photo for me with me standing on the balcony. I was planning on just putting it on my Instagram status, but it was such a good photo I posted it and captioned it 'New video x☀️'  I put my phone down and sighed. Today had been a long day. I decided to film a video later. For now, I was just going to get some sleep... I changed into a pair of shorts and baggy t-shirt and lay on my bed and yawned before falling asleep.



I felt a sharp blow to my head. Not my preferred way of waking up, but okay. I groggily opened an eye and saw Alissa straddling me.

'Get off.' I mumbled.

'Okay, but come on, we need to get ready for the party!' She said excited. I mumbled some rude words under my breath before sitting up. 

'okay, what do you think we should wear.' I asked.

'Well what type of party is it?' Alissa asked. 

'It's a club.'

'Okay then, what sort of look are you going for?'

'I was thinking since we are trying to entice JJ I was thinking tight but not very revealing?' I said. 

Alissa nodded before fishing in my wardrobe until she landed on a black bodycon dress which wrapped around my neck, showing some cleavage. I nodded at her decision before looking for shoes. I reached for a pair of black converse before Alissa smacked my hand away from them and placed a pair of strappy black stilettos. I groaned. They would be a nightmare.

'Really?' I asked annoyed.

'First formal impression.' She shrugged.

I rolled my eyes before squeezing my feet in them and groaning. 'Are you trying to murder me?' I rhetorically questioned. Alissa shrugged before ushering me into the bathroom to put it on. I personally thought I looked great! I walked out and pretended to walk the catwalk. Alissa had already changed into her own sleeveless black dress with heeled boots. She had also somehow managed to straighten her hair and do subtle makeup that I wanted... but didn't get. 

She did my makeup before spinning me round in the chair I was sitting in so that I was facing the mirror on the wall. I gasped at my reflection. She had gave me blood red lips and a dark smoky eye with false lashes, and contour to outline my face. I was speechless. I hated wearing lots of makeup, but this was honestly a masterpiece. She then straightened my hair and put it in a ponytail, taking baby hairs out to frame my face. I added a pair of gold hoop earrings and a gold snake ring to finish the look, before deciding I was ready.

'Ready?' Alissa asked.

'Ready.' I breathed.

We walked out of the room and walked down the stairs. Alissa walked confidently. I wobbled when I walked, due to the height of the heels. We reached the bottom of the stairs and I yelled 'WE'RE GOING, SEE YOU LATER!' I heard a mumbled bye come from them before we exited. 

'Who's driving again?' I asked.

'Oh fuck, I was meant to get an uber.' Alissa groaned.

'It's okay, I'll just text Simon.'

Addie: Hey Simon, I'm sorry but we're going to b late :(

Si: Whyy?

Addie: Forgot to book a uber

Si: No worries, we can pick u up

Addie: No offence, but I don't want you to know where I live.

Si: No worries. Walk a couple of roads down and we can pick you up there.

Addie: thanks, we'll meet you at *********** road <3

Si: we...?

Addie: Oh yeah, is it okay if I bring my friend Alissa?

Si: Alissa Violet?

Addie: That's the one

Si: Sure, but just an fyi, Ethan's literally head over heels for her. He insta stalks her.

Addie: Same...

Si: lol, anyway, meet u there, k?

Addie: Meet ya there.

'Okay Alissa, they are picking us up 3 roads down from here' I said before taking my heels off, picking them up and starting to walk. Alissa did the same and ran towards me.

'Ethan has a massive crush on you.' I blurted out.

'I know.' She shrugged. 'He liked all of my tiktoks and instagram posts, plus he follows me on like... every social media page.' I tried not to look surprised.

'Anyways, enough about me, what about you.' Alissa asked. 'how do you plan on getting with JJ?'

I shrugged. 'Just improvise I guess.'

'You're fucked' Alissa laughed.

'Nah, I just need to see what everyone's about and how to go about it.'

'What if his girlfriend is there?'

'Even better.'

'But-' Alissa was cut off by a minibus which stopped right next to us. A window opened and a head stuck out.

'Come on in.'

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