Chapter 45

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I put my cargo pants back on as JJ did the same with his shorts. We had seen the minibus entering the drive through the window, and were trying to put our clothes on and act natural as soon as possible.

I switched the TV on and readjusted my top, lying on the couch and trying act interested in the nature documentary that was playing. JJ took his phone out from his pocket and started tapping and swiping on the screen. We heard the familiar jingle of the keys being twisted into the door, and everyone's footsteps as they stepped in and left their shoes at the door.

'Morning everyone.' JJ yelled happily.

'Shut the fuck up.' Simon groaned, grasping his head. Many others were also holding their head. 

'What happened to all of you?' I asked.

'We're hungover.' Gee stated, slightly less bubbly than usual. 'Are you telling me you aren't?'

'I'm not.' JJ and I said at the same time.

'How though? You guys drank more than any of us... apart from Will, maybe.' Mier said, taking a place on one of the couches. 

'I want to deny it, but I had too much to fucking drink.' Will said, laughing weakly at the end of the sentence. 

'I feel great to be honest.' I said, stretching. I stretched my legs and felt pain between my thighs. JJ and I really did go all out last night... and about five minutes ago. 

'You have something on your lip, Addie.' Talia pointed at my lip. I whipped out my phone and checked in the camera. There was a dry white substance.

'Oh yeah, that's just toothpaste.' I lied smoothly, trying not to smirk and blow my cover. I looked in the corner to see JJ. We had come to an agreement we wouldn't tell anyone about our secret little relationship. I scratched the 'toothpaste' off and had a quick look through my Instagram before someone coughed lightly, drawing my attention from my phone back to the real world.

'So, if you can't remember from last night, we're going to Wireless on the 6th, and we requested for you to come...' Tobi started.

'Oh yeah, I'd honestly quite like to come.' I exclaimed. Many people shushed me and clutched their heads. 'Sorry.' I giggled quietly.

'Can you come?' Tobi asked.

'Uhm... when does it end, and where is it?' I asked.

'From the 6th to the 8th, and it's in London- Finsbury Park.' Tobi replied.

'I...' I  didn't know how to respond. I tried to think of whether it was clashing with any other events, but couldn't think of any. 

'Please? There's going to be so many people, like Cardi B,  DJ Khalid, Post Malone, Stormzy-'

'Fuck it, I'll go.' I grinned. I could check whether I was free to come, later. 'When do we fly to England?' I asked.

'We need to get to the airport at 7PM on Wednesday, and then the flight starts at 9PM, and goes overnight. We land in London at about 7AM.' Tobi said.

'When do we need to start driving to the airport?' I asked.

'Well, the airport is in LA, and we take a jet there which is just about two hours long, so we realistically need to start going at about 4PM.' 

Implying those factors, I realised I was only going to be spending a day and a half with my Logan, Jake, Alissa and Logan's mystery new girlfriend. But that was fine- I was willing to cut my stay with them short for Wireless- I was excited as Hell for Wireless!

'Oh, and apparently today the girls and guys are going out shopping YET AGAIN to get some outfits.' Tobi rolled his eyes and chuckled.

'Sounds like something that would happen.' I smiled. 'Anyways, before we go shopping, I'm going to try book a hotel I can stay in whilst I'm in England.' I got up and started walking towards the stairs.

'Come stay with us.' JJ called.

'No.' I protested. 'Who lives with you, anyways?' I asked.

'Me, Simon, Vikk, and Josh live together.' JJ said. 'And everyone occasionally visits.' 

'Well you've known the other Sidemen for longer than you have me, and if not all of them live with you, I certainly shouldn't.' I reasoned.

'Fam, we have MORE than enough rooms, and the others don't live with us out of choice.' JJ exclaimed. I walked over to him and quietly gave him another reason.

'Listen JJ. Talia and Simon are dating, but do they live together? Same for Josh and Frey. Plus only men live together in that house which would make it really fricking awkward.' 

'We'll see about that.' JJ smirked. I rolled my eyes with a small smile on my face before walking up the stairs.

'We're going shopping in half an hour, by the way!' Sarah called.

'Thanks.' I replied loudly, hearing a collective groan from the group. I laughed and skipped up the stairs and into my room. 

I switched my computer on and made a TikTok whilst waiting for it to switch on. I quickly did a lip-sync video before posting it and turning to my computer and typing in the password. I opened up the internet and went onto Trivago and put some filters in, to determine a nice stay. I didn't know how long I would be in England before returning, either... I looked at the hotels and tried to find one which had a good rating and I could pay for at the end of every day. 

Not one result.

Frustrated, I got a new website and applied the same filters. The prices were crazy. I groaned and picked up my phone, scrolling through my contacts and looking for someone who lived in England. I saw the contact of one of my old University friends, Lily. Lily, Chelsea and I were brilliant friends, until I found out that Chelsea knew Logan and Jake and was trying to make me wingman her into a relationship with one of them. Chelsea and I then got into a furious fight, and Chelsea ended up dragging Lily onto her side, by intoxicating her mind false with rumours about me. 

That was the reason I would say that going to University was the best and worst experience of my life. 

I contemplated calling Lily, before shrugging and pressing the call button. I waited a few minutes.

'Hello?' I heard Lily say through the phone.

'Lily!' I exclaimed. I missed her.

'What's up?' She asked. I guessed she didn't dislike me anymore.

'I'm coming to stay in London sometime soon, and I wanted to ask whether you by any chance knew any hotels near Finsbury Park which you pay for every night, instead of booking certain dates for? Oh, and any places that have a high rating.' I rambled. 

'Sorry...' I heard her saying through the phone. 'I'm from Melbourne, remember?' 

I facepalmed.

'Of course, sorry, yeah.' I apologised. Chelsea was the posh bitch from London, despite her name.

'Anyways, I have to go to work right now..' I heard her saying awkwardly.

'Of course, bye.' I said quickly.

'Bye.' She replied.

Well that went fucking fantastically. 

'Any success?' JJ asked, walking in and sitting on my bed.

'Nope.' I sighed, leaning my head on my hands and closing my eyes. 

'Brilliant.' JJ walked towards me and crouched so that he was level with me, since I was sitting in the chair.

'Why?' I asked, taking my head out of my hands and looking at him.

'Because you are staying with us.' JJ grinned. 'I told everyone that you said you refused to stay at the Sidemen house because only the boys and I lived there, and no other girls were there. Simon asked Talia to stay for a few days and now you're also staying.' 

I chuckled at the effort he had put in just to get me to stay with him. 'You are so fucking amazing.' I smiled, pecking his cheek.

'I know.' He smirked, kissing me. I kissed back before pulling away.

'Why did you come up here, again?' I asked.

'Oh, I needed to tell you that we're going shopping.' JJ said.

'Let's go then.' I rolled my eyes and giggled before skipping down the stairs happily.

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