Chapter 42

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'Shh!' I shushed Viddal.

Everyone in the bus had voted for Viddal and I to go into JJ's place and grab him, before we went back to the venue, and Viddal and I were currently trying to sneak into JJ's house.

Viddal slowly and quietly twisted the keys in the lock, before hearing a little clicking sound. We opened the door, peeking our heads around the door. JJ was sat on the couch watching something on YouTube. He let out a loud laugh, throwing his head back and nearly spotting us. 

Viddal tapped my shoulder and held up a blindfold. I looked at him strangely, wondering where he got that from and what he was going to do with it. He just pointed at me, and pointed at JJ, before handing the blindfold and saying quietly;

'Go put it on JJ.' 

'What the fuck? He's going to punch me shitless and scream his ass off- or think we are some strippers we got him for his party.' I whispered back.

'Well, to make sure he wouldn't scream or attack you, we also got these from the shopping centre.' Viddal pulled out a pair of fluffy handcuffs and a mouth gag with a pink ball in the middle, from his pocket.

'You've been going into some mad shops.' I shook my head and laughed quietly, taking the items. 'Any specific order?'

'Whatever you think.' He shrugged, giving me a pat on the shoulder and pushing me towards JJ. 

Luckily, JJ wasn't facing us, so I was able to sneak over to JJ without him realising. I was just behind JJ, when I looked back at Viddal, almost questioning why. He just gave a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes at his support, before looking at JJ. His arms were spread out across the couch, meaning that handcuffing him was going to be hard. I decided to blindfold him first.

I tightened the strings of the blindfold before shoving the blindfold over his head and onto his eyes in one swift motion.

'WHAT THE FUCK?!' He yelled suddenly, jumping up onto his feet and swinging in random directions with one hand, and trying to remove the tight blindfold with one hand. I grabbed one of his hands which he was swinging with, and latched one handcuff to it, pushing the handcuff down so that it tightened around his wrist. He abandoned trying to take the blindfold off with the other hand, instead aborting to letting out wild punches with his, left hand. I grabbed his arm just below his elbow and snapped the other handcuff on his hand, tightening it around his wrist.

'I SWEAR TO GOD, NIA IF THIS IS YO-' I shut him up by putting the gag in his mouth and tying it around the back. His speech was muffled, but I could hear some words. Mainly swears. I looked back at Viddal to see him laughed madly. None the less, he walked over to JJ and grabbed him by his legs, and left JJ over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. 

'Let's go.' Viddal mouthed, grinning. We were not talking to each other, because JJ would recognise our voices, and that would take the fun out of everything.

I opened the doors on the way out, locking the front door behind me, and walking to the minibus. Before Viddal was let in, I walked into the bus.

'Don't let JJ hear you, he thinks we're abducting him for some reason, and it's really funny.' I whispered, before letting Viddal in. Everyone stifled their laughs when they saw JJ. JJ was thrown into the back seat, and buckled up by Viddal. 

I took my seat back besides Freezy, who was pointing at JJ and mimed laughing. I smiled a little, before going on my phone and swiping through Instagram. 

On Instagram, Talia had posted a picture of her with purple eyeshadow at golden hour, Gee had also posted a picture at golden hour, but had also used a vintage filter and she was wearing a baby blue bikini in the photo. Mier had posted a picture on the beach where she was in her black, cut out bikini, Simon had posted a picture advertising sine bottle of alcohol, JJ hadn't posted anything just yet, and Logan had posted some meme pictures of himself. Jake had posted many pictures of himself since I had last checked Instagram. 

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