Chapter 38

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'Psst, Addie?' Someone was shaking me gently. I know they were shaking me to wake me up, but it made me even sleepier. 'Come on Addie, let's go to bed.'

I was slightly confused, since I was pretty sure that we were meant to be going to the mall- but I wasn't complaining. Bed sounded good.

'I heard bed.' I said, my voice breaking as I was so thirsty.

'Yep, come on now.' They said in a calm velvety voice.

I partially opened one eye, squinting. I slowly took my seatbelt off and stepped out of the car. I opened my eyes fully, my eyes adjusting to the brightness.

'Man, this ain't home.' I groaned, looking up at the large building.

'Sorry, I had to get you out of the Uber somehow.' Tobi said guiltily.

'It's fine I guess.' I smiled, stretching and feeling my back click.

'Come on, we still need to get the presents for everyone.' Talia pulled me into the mall.

'Remind me who we need to get presents for, again.' I furrowed my eyebrows together and tried to remember who all we were getting presents for.

'Gee, Chip, Ethan, Lewis, JJ, Vikk and Viddal.' Talia said slowly.

'I don't understand how people have such good memory.' I laughed, thinking about what I should buy the birthday people. 

We walked into a clothes shop first.

Talia split off into the men's section, probably looking for something for the boys. However ,I stayed in the women's section, looking for an outfit for Gee.

Everything was just too... unlike Gee's clothing. They were all just too 'in-your-face' and I could NOT imagine Gee putting on anything of the sort.

Eventually, after having no luck with finding something for Gee, I decided to leave the shop and try to get something for someone else.

On the way out, I stopped and realised that there was another section. It didn't have any of the colourful holiday garments that the rest of the shop had, but neither was it an emo or goth section. 

I walked over to one of the clothing racks and looked through the clothes which were hung up on the hangers. They were perfect for Gee. I flicked through them all before picking out a black denim miniskirt with a few small rips, a pair of fishnets to wear with that, and a belt with some small metal studs running along the band. I looked through the tops and picked out a simple cropped but baggy black sweater. Content with the outfit so far, I looked for a pair of shoes and possibly some accessories.

I went into the other end of the aisle, and found a pair of tall black commando boots which I was pretty sure that Gee wanted. I also found a few silver decorational chains which she could attach to her skirt to finish off the look.

I went to the till to pay, also grabbing some black fishnet gloves on the way. I placed all of the clothes on the counter, feeling no guilt when I realised I had spent $118 on the outfit. I just hoped Gee would like it.

I bumped into Freya on the way out.

'Hey Frey.' I grinned.

'Hey Addie.' She smiled back, before looking at the clothes. 'Jesus, you didn't buy them for yourself, did you? I couldn't imagine you wearing anything like that!' She exclaimed.

'I could never pull this off.' I laughed. 'It for Gee.' I said. She pulled a confused expression.

'But... I thought we were getting JJ a present for his birthday...' Freya finished uncertainly.

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