Chapter 28

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'What the hell?' I asked. The boy we had met from the ice cream shop was back.

'Still didn't get your number, babes.' He smirked.

'That's because I didn't want to give it to you.' I spat. I usually wouldn't want to be aggressive, but everyone has their times when they are. 

'Well now you have another chance.'

'I never wanted to. And did you fucking stalk me here?' I asked, outraged at the fact he had stalked me. He just shrugged, the stupid smirk still plastered on his face. Damn, I really wanted to slap that dumb smirk off his face.

I looked behind him to see the other two boys (that were standing outside of the ice cream parlour) were standing behind him.

'You had your chance to come easily.' He shrugged. 

Faster than lightning, he grabbed my hair as twisted it, pulling me close. Her also grabbed my hands tightly and pinned them behind my back like I was being arrested. I looked to my left where JJ was previously sitting. He would help. 


He had gone somewhere else just after the boys had came. For fucks sake...

I only knew how to box, and this would be classified as an illegal move in boxing. I had no idea what to do. My breathing became sharper and more uneven. It was dawning on me that I might be raped. I tried to use my legs to kick him where it hurt the most, but I could only reach up to his knees, and kicking them didn't seem to affect him.

'Come on now, play nicely.' He taunted into my ear, bending me over and onto the beach chair. I was only wearing the red bikini, and felt violated and vulnerable.

I felt him tugging on the straps of my bikini. Tears clouded my vision. I couldn't defend myself, attack him or run. The last time that I was sexually vulnerable was in London a few years ago, but when that happened, Viddal was there to fight him off for me! 



I may not have been able to get this man off of, but I sure as hell could get someone's help with doing so.

'VIDDAAAAAAL!' I screamed as loudly and clearly as I could. Viddal, who was paddling around with the others in the sea, instantly turned around. His expression changed from happy and playful to confused, then angry- no, not angry- FUMING in a matter of seconds. 

The guy who was holding my hair, slammed my face into the beach chair- furious at my outburst.

'Now look what you've done.' He hissed angrily, slamming my face into the chair several more times. He threw me over his shoulder and started running with me, however, almost as soon as he had started running with me, my body slammed into the ground, my jaw first. I jumped up and looked at the scene in front of me.

Viddal was on the ground, wrestling the boy that was holding me, and JJ was punching the other two. I didn't know where the hell JJ had come from, but that was the least of my problems now. I looked back at the beach where the boys and girls were. They were starting to approach. I sprinted away before they could come anywhere near to me. I felt so embarrassed.

God, I was such a weakling. I could've just thrown the man off, or twisted his arm. This was the second time today I had been an idiot and nearly gotten harmed over something small and stupid.

I sprinted up the bank and into the concrete road. 

The way back to JJ's place wasn't far. As I ran, tears slid off my face. The whole way I maintained a fast speed, thinking of how badly I just wanted to get home.  

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